Fishing in Palia is a delightful and occasionally profitable pastime. However, depending on the fish species, you need to consider the season, water type, and bait to achieve the desired success. Is the Oily Anchovy particularly challenging to catch?
We provide the answer in this guide to the Life-Sim-MMO Palia, including a detailed description of where this unique fish resides, what you need to catch it, and other essential tips.
There's a lot to do in Palia, but some quests can be quite challenging due to various influencing factors. It's no surprise that occasionally, our guides come in handy.
For instance, those who want to fish must consider different times of the day and year, locate the right water body, and use the appropriate bait. It might seem overwhelming, but luckily, we're here to help.
Why do I need Oily Anchovies? In Palia, fish serve multiple purposes. You can cook or sell them. This small fish fetches about 35 to 52 gold, so it's not a quick path to riches.
However, for missions like "Everybody Wins" and "Nai'o's Recipe Quest," you'll need them, making it essential to catch at least two. To be well-prepared, get a fishing rod and bait beforehand. The season doesn't matter.
Where can I find a fishing rod? For the Oily Anchovy, a makeshift rod will suffice. You can get this from the robot Einar, usually found in Fisherman's Lagoon in Kilima. Learn more in our guide on obtaining and leveling up rods, choosing bait, and fishing.
Catching this fish is relatively straightforward, provided you know where to look. To find the Oily Anchovy, leave Kilima Village and head towards Bahari Bay. From there, all directions are open to you.
This slippery creature can be found and fished in all rivers of this region. No matter which river you choose, the Oily Anchovy is present. However, your best chances are near Proudhorn Pass and at Thorney Thicket.
Recommended Fishing Spots:
Ensure you're fishing in a river, as this fish isn't found in small ponds or the coast. In rivers, its size makes it easy to spot.
Now, all you need is the right bait. Or any bait, really, as the Oily Anchovy isn't picky. We suggest worms from your worm box.
If in doubt, you can also buy basic bait in the store. They're relatively cheap and do the job. Grab a few extra, as it might take three or four tries before the right fish bites.
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