
Forspoken: The best PC Settings for more FPS

Published: Jan. 24, 2023
Updated: Jan. 28, 2023

German English

Forspoken has been released for the PC and comes with huge performance problems. In this guide, we'll tell you the best settings for the PC to increase the FPS and maintain the best possible quality.

The release of Forspoken has been met with mixed to negative reactions from the gaming community. Especially PC players suffer from FPS drops and lousy performance. The Forspoken review clearly reflects this. Guided editor-in-chief Kevin Willing tried out all settings and tested them with different hardware. Now we can clearly say: We have found the best settings for maximum framerate!

This is our test setup: We tested our settings on three different systems. We were able to increase the average frame rate (FPS) by around 10 to 20 FPS. With the Max FPS settings even further, you will find them at the end of this guide! Anyway, these are our test systems:

  • Gaming Laptop:
    • RTX 2070
    • Ryzen 5 5600h
    • 16 gb RAM
  • Midrange PC
    • RX 6700
    • Intel Core I7 9700k
    • 32 Gb Ram
  • High End Setup:
    • RTX 3080ti
    • Ryzen 9 5950x
    • 64 GB Ram

The best settings for the perfect mix of quality & performance.

Forspoken does not offer any particular variety of graphics settings. Accordingly, the optimization turns out to be quite simple for you. But before we go into detail, you should -- sorry to mention this -- update your graphics drivers. Both Nvidia (download) and AMD (download) have released a new driver version on January 23. Also check if your hardware meets the minimum requirements!

Attention: Switch your graphics preset to "Custom" for now. This unlocks more graphics options that would otherwise remain grayed out!

Rendering Settings

Variable Shading Rate (VRS) ON
Dynamic Resolution OFF
Model Memory High
Texture Memory High

Image Quality Settings

AMD FidelityFX (AMD GPU) With 4k = Performance / With 1440p = Balanced / With 1080p = Quality
Nvidia DLSS (sorted by resolution) With 4k = Performance / With 1440p = Balanced / With 1080p = Quality
Sharpnes 1.0
Render Resolution 100 %
Model Detail Level High
Texture Filtering High

Post Filters Settings

Reflections High
Motion Blur Up to you
Depth of Field ON
Fog Quality Standard
Cloud Quality High
Shadow Quality High
Ray Traced Shadows OFF
Ambient Occlusion High
Ray Traced Ambient Occlusion OFF
How forspoken looks with the best settings

This is how Forspoken looks with the optimal settings.

More about Forspoken

Forspoken graphics settings for maximum FPS

In this section, we'll show you which settings suck up the most performance and turn them off entirely if necessary! So the following settings are used to maximize the frame rate and we were able to find a full 15 FPS compared to the best graphics+performance settings and a full 28 FPS compared to all settings on Ultra!

These are the graphics options you'll need to change compared to those above:

  • Fog Quality - Low
  • Cloud Quality - Low
  • Model Detail Level - Low
  • Texture Filter - Default

With these settings, we were able to lift to 120 FPS with the 3080ti system in 1440p, and that's about as good as it gets in Forspoken. However, depending on the complexity or effects storm in the scene, it can sometimes collapse.

UPDATE: How to make Forspoken feel even smoother

Through our playthrough yesterday, we noticed some bad stuttering despite reaching an average FPS of 80 to 90. Many other players have this problem as well. This is caused by high frame times that are unstable as hell. So we are going to show you how you can improve the smoothness of Forspoken despite not having great FPS.

  1. You need to download (via msi.com) MSI Afterburner and Rivatuner (both come together)
  2. Now install and start both programs.
  3. In MSI Afterburner, go to the settings and then to "monitoring".
  4. Scroll down until you reach "Frame Times", click "Show in OSD" and choose the option to show graph and text.
  5. Now fire up Forspoken and run around for a little bit, maybe even fight. Keep your FPS and Frame Times in sight!
  6. Remember the lowest frames you noticed. Let's assume your lowest was 72 FPS.
  7. Tab out and go into Rivatuner. There you'll see the option "Frame Limit".
  8. Set the Frame Limit 1 or 2 Frames below your lowest FPS. So in your imaginary case, set it to 71 or 70.

What you have noticed is that the graph that shows you your frame times is now stable. You fixed the stuttering -- mostly. Unfortunately, Forspoken is very poorly optimized, and you will still encounter some stuttering here and there, but trust me it will be much better.

msi overlay to show your hardware stats.

Here you can find the settings for displaying in the game.

We hope we could help you with our guide to improve the performance in Forspoken! If you have any further questions or would like to expand our guide, please write us a comment or contact us via Community-Discord!

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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I have a 3080Ti, not sure how you get 120FPS at 1440p? I am trying to play it at 1440p and it struggles to maintain 60, constantly dipping to 50-55