
Grounded: All smoothie recipes

Published: Oct. 07, 2022
Updated: Oct. 07, 2022

German English

In the survival game Grounded, you can change your status values by consuming different smoothies. We will show you all the smoothie recipes and what effects the three different basic ingredients have.

For all smoothie recipes, applies: Basic ingredient + smoothie specific ingredient = smoothie with specific effects

The Smoothie Station in Grounded

To be able to make smoothies at all, you need to craft a Smoothie Station. It is crafted in the world.

How to unlock the recipe: Analyze an acorn top or grub sludge.
Description: Mash things into a drinkable substance that restores health or provides various effects.
Materials: 1x acorn top, 4x sprig, 5x grub sludge.

The 3 basic ingredients of smoothies in Grounded

Before you can mash a smoothie at the Smoothie Station, you have to decide, which basic ingredient you want to mix with the other ingredients. Each basic ingredient has different impacts.

Basic Smoothie—Grub Sludge

The ingredient of the Basic Smoothie is grub sludge. It does not have any extra impact that will benefit you in addition to the various smoothie effects, but its duration of action is 120 seconds, i.e., 2 minutes.

Beefy Smoothie—Muscle Sprout

A Beefy Smoothie is created if you choose Muscle Sprout as the basic ingredient. Muscle Sprout brings the smoothie, in addition to the 120 seconds of effect duration, also the impact that all smoothies, which were mixed with this basic ingredient, heal twice as much over the entire effect duration.

Sticky Smoothie—Gum Nugget

If you select Gum Nuggets as your basic ingredient, you will get a Sticky Smoothie that doubles the effect duration of the smoothie to 240 seconds and gives you the status effect Regeneration.


All smoothie recipes in Grounded

Once you have selected a basic ingredient, you must decide which smoothie you want to mix. Each smoothie offers different effects that will help you advance in the game.

Boost Juice

  • Description: Filled with vitamins and nutrients! Boosts your max stamina.
  • Unlock recipe: analyze Acorn-Bits
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Max Stamina, Heals
  • Ingredients: raw aphid meat, mushroom, Acorn-Bits+ basic ingredient

Fluid Flippers

  • Description: A drinkable sludge that is scientifically proven to make you swim faster.
  • Unlock recipe: analyze Water Boatman Fin
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Swim Speed, Heals
  • Ingredients: Water Boatman Fin, Eelgrass Strand, Lilypad Wax + basic ingredient

Fuzz on the Rocks

  • Description: As literal as they come. Drinking this disgusting combination somehow makes you healthier for a while.
  • Unlock recipe: analyze mite fuzz
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Max Health, Heals
  • Ingredients: clay, pebblet, mite fuzz + basic ingredient

Gastro Goo

  • Description: Smells almost as bad as it looks, but goes down surprisingly smooth. Makes you immune to gas damage.
  • Unlock recipe: analyze Stinkbug Gas Sack
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Gas Guard, Heals
  • Ingredients: Stinkbug Gas Sack, Fungal Growth, Aphid Honeydew+ Basic Ingredient

Green Machine

  • Description: A delicious blend of locally sourced greens. Boosts your stamina recovery rate.
  • Unlock recipe: analyze algae
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Hyperstamina, Heals
  • Ingredients: Algae, sprig, clover leaf + basic ingredient

Hedge Lord

  • Description: Refreshing and nutritious. Lowers the rates of both hunger and thirst.
  • Unlock recipe: analyze berry chunk
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Fuller, + Moist, Heals
  • Ingredients: Berry chunk, Aphid Honeydew, Acorn-Bits + basic ingredient

Human Food

  • Description: All the ingredients are everyday foods. What could go wrong if you smash them all together?
  • Unlock recipe: analyze Fresh Apple Bits, Fresh Billy Hog Bite, or Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Damage Resist, Heals
  • Ingredients: Fresh Apple Bits, Fresh Billy Hog Bite, Fresh Cookie Sandwich Bits + basic ingredient

Liquid Gills

  • Description: A scientific mystery that allows you to breathe underwater for a short time.
  • Unlock recipe: analyze Water Flea Meat
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Veteran Diver, Heals
  • Ingredients: Water Flea Meat, Eelgrass Strand, Raw Tadpole Meat + basic ingredient

Liquid Rage

  • Description:  All sorts of dangerous things in the drinkable form! Consuming this makes you feel way stronger.
  • Unlock recipe: analyze Larva Spike
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Attack, Heals
  • Ingredients: Larva Spike, Spider Fang, Red Ant Mandibles + basic ingredient

Questionable Slop

  • Description: A hodgepodge of ingredients mashed into a mostly drinkable goop. Recovers HP when consumed.
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: Heals (+Regenerate—if Sticky)
  • Ingredients: Arises from all ingredients, that are not together in one recipe + basic ingredient

Workers Chomp

  • Description: The power of an ant in the palm of your hand. Drinking this makes you feel like you can haul more.
  • Unlock recipe: analyze Red Ant Mandibles
  • Prepared: Smoothie Station
  • Effect: + Hauling Strength, Heals
  • Ingredients: Red Ant Part, Red Ant Head, Red Ant Mandibles+ basic ingredient

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