
Grounded: Find Toenails - All Locations and Infos

Published: Oct. 06, 2022
Updated: Oct. 06, 2022

German English

At the end of Grounded, you will need toenails as a resource to craft the Toenail Scimitar (a sword) and the Embiggening Cocktail, which will make you grow up, and allows you to go home.

In our guide, we will show you where you can find toenails. In addition, we will also tell you the recipes for the items we mentioned above.

Important: The toenails will spawn again, in the same spot, after two ingame days have passed. Which makes you able to harvest them again.

Our guide contains the following information:

  • What you need to farm toenails
  • 1. Location of toenails
  • 2. Location of toenails
  • 3. Location of toenails
  • All recipes with toenails

What you need to farm toenails in Grounded

To farm toenails, you require the Black Ox Hammer (Tier 3), which you can unlock by reaching Brainpower level 13 and analyzing the horn of a Black Ox Beetle, or Pupa Leather. You can craft the Black Ox Hammer on the workbench by using the following resources:

  • 1x Black Ox Horn
  • 5x Black Ox Part
  • 2x Pupa Leather

To repair it, you need:

  • 3x Larva Spikes
  • 1x Black Ox Horn

More item info about the Black Ox Hammer:

  • Description: A hammer so strong it can bust open almost all natural materials.
  • Damage: 4
  • Stun: 5.5
  • Speed: 0,5
  • Type: Busting

Once you've crafted the hammer, get ready to start your journey to the toenail locations.

1. Location of toenails in Grounded

Before we get to the first specific location where toenails will spawn, here's a rough overview of areas, where you can find toenails:

  • Moldorc Highlands
  • Shed Surroundings
  • Upper Grasslands

But now let's go to the first location, which is spotted in the Upper Backyard at the following position:

If you arrive at this location, you will find a tree stump that you must climb up. You can see the first toenail if you have managed to climb the stump up. Now you have to jump down to it or slide down to prevent falling damage. You can farm the toenail only by using the Black Ox Hammer.

2. Location of toenails in Grounded

The second location, where you can find about four more toenails, is spotted in the ashtray, which is placed on a small table in the backyard:

Toenails location: Red; your starting position: White.

How to get to the second location: Run up the green garden hose until you reach the position we marked. Then climb over the can onto the baseball bat (both on your right) onto the chair.

Jump onto the back of the chair, on which the baseball bat is leaning, and jump from the Chair back onto the chair seat. Now you have to cross the chair seat to get to the hammer, which is on the opposite side. Watch out for the holes in the chair seat through which you can fall; also, beware of the black ants walking there.

To jump onto the hammer more easily, try to jump up on the smaller side.

Run to the end of the hammer handle and jump onto the adjacent table with the help of a parachute. Then go over the nail clippers into the ashtray, where you will find four toenails.

3. Location of toenails in Grounded

The third location, where you can find toenails, is a white pipe, which you can find at the following position:

To find the toenail inside the pipe, you just have to go inside it.

This is what the pipe looks like from the outside:

At all three locations we mentioned above, new toenails will spawn every two days (in-game time), which you can then farm again.

Recipes in Grounded for which you need toenails

For the following recipes, which you will need towards the end, you have to farm toenails:

Toenail Scimitar

  • Description: A serious, swift, and noble weapon. Forged from uniquely sharp, serrated toenail clippings. Wrapped in luxurious materials like lint rope and pupa hides, with an accent made of brittle, deadly rust.
  • Unlock Recipe: analyze a toenail
  • Crafted in: workbench
  • Materials: 10x toenail, 3x lit rope, 2x pupa hide, 3x rust
  • Repair costs: 2x toenail, 1x lint
  • Damage: 3.5
  • Stun: 0
  • Speed: 7
  • Perk: +Infection
  • Type: Slashing

Embiggening Cocktail

  • Description: This cocktail fuels the Embiggening Cell attached to the SPAC.R Platform.
  • Unlock Recipe: Return 2 of the following BURG.L Chips:
    • Black Anthill BURG.L Chip
    • Hedge BURG.L Chip
    • Haze BURG.L Chip
    • Pond BURG.L Chip
  • Crafted in: Crafted in World
  • Materials: 5x Berry Leather, 5x Koi Fish Scale, 5x Gum Nugget, 5x Toenail, 1x Grilled Science

The locations once more in video form:


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