Bosses in Like a Dragon Gaiden: Best Fighting Styles and Tactics

Published: Nov. 07, 2023
Updated: Nov. 10, 2023

German English

Our Like a Dragon expert, Alex, has fought his way through every installment of the series. Here he shares how to easily defeat the bosses in Like a Dragon Gaiden.

The Deal: Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name puts a variety of boss enemies in the path of the aging Yakuza legend, Kazuma Kiryu. Many of them are mini-bosses who are adept at fighting with exotic gadgets or weapons. However, there are also the classic "tough nuts to crack," with whom Kiryu has to go the proverbial 12 rounds.

Alex, our seasoned Yakuza and Like a Dragon veteran, had already successfully pummeled all the bosses in Like a Dragon Gaiden before the game's release. In this guide, he describes in detail the combat styles and tactics that work best against each of them.

Like a Dragon Gaiden: Defeat all of the Game's (Mini) Bosses

Like a Dragon Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name Best Boss Tactics and Fighting Styles

Beat Yuki Tsuruno

First Encounter: You can only fight in Agent style here. Tsuruno is only a bit more challenging if you don't attack from your fighting stance and fail to dodge his attacks. It's best to perform several quick dodging moves to the left or right in succession and stay close to Tsuruno. This way, you can easily get behind him, where you can land the longest combos.

More about Like a Dragon Gaiden:

Second Encounter: Fight in Agent style again and take care of his henchmen first. They are easy to dispatch. Then wait for Tsuruno's attacks before dodging anew to the left or right and then striking from the side or back.

During Tsuruno's Heat Phase, activate your own Extreme Heat Mode and unleash a barrage of punches on the Omi Captain. After that, you need to be careful to attack only from behind; Tsuruno will mostly catch you from other positions. Just keep dancing around until you're behind him. You could use combat drones, but Tsuruno moves quite quickly during this encounter.

Like a Dragon Gaiden How to beat Tsuruno

Tsuruno is a not too difficult boss. (Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name)

More about Like a Dragon Gaiden:

Beat Shishido

First encounter, Round 1: It's important that you stock up on healing items like Toughness Z and Bentos before this fight because Shishido is a tough nut to crack. Fight against him in the recommended Yakuza style and make use of the charged finishing blow of the Yakuza style.

This means you should charge the finishing blow after two regular punches by holding down the appropriate button. This way, you inflict more damage. Dance around Shishido with dodging moves to attack him from the side or behind as much as possible.

Round 2: Continue fighting as before but activate Extreme Heat Mode. In this round, Shishido seems a bit easier to hit, but you might need to rely on healing items because you could have taken a lot of hits in the first round and therefore might be on your last legs.

Second and Final Encounter, Round 1: At the end of the game, you'll have a major showdown against Shishido. Start in the Agent fighting style and dance around Shishido at a slight distance. You can land a finisher on him after every three or at most six sidesteps, even from the front. Still, be cautious because the final boss has a good range with his sword and can execute combos at a high pace. With this tactic, you can easily reach the next round.

Round 2: Switch to the Yakuza style and move in the combat stance. When Shishido attacks, dodge to the right or left with several sidesteps and try to get behind him. From there, the combo of a punch followed by two finishers works very well. You can also activate the extreme Heat Mode now to expedite the start of the third round.

Round 3: If your Heat gauge is empty, refill it with Tauriner drinks and activate the extreme Heat Mode again. Although Shishido has a sword again, you can still attack him head-on (still in the Yakuza style). However, retreat with sidesteps after a combo of three punches and kicks. This way, you'll have multiple opportunities to counter his heavy attacks. You can also hit him with a few chairs, preferably using Heat actions.

Round 4: Continue using the Yakuza style. Wait for Shishido's heavy attack and counter it as usual with a backward sidestep. Then continue as in Round 2. Strangely, it's easier here to attack Shishido from behind. In some cases, you can even follow up with a frontal strike if he turns towards you. Keep fighting this way until the final cinematic scene. After a Quicktime event, the battle is won.

Like a Dragon Gaiden How to beat Shishido

Shishido is the first serious boss of Like a Dragon Gaiden.

Beat Agent Raita

Fight in agent style. He easily blocks attacks in the Yakuza style. When Raita charges heavy attacks, run in circles and quickly change direction. Otherwise, pelt him with a barrage of regular strikes and finishers (ideally two regular strikes followed by a finisher) and throw the weapons lying on the ground at him. Other attacks with those weapons are too slow.

Like a Dragon Gaiden How to beat Agent Raita

Beware of Agent Raita's fake umbrella! (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Agent Mushin

Fight in Yakuza style and be sure to activate Extreme Heat Mode, otherwise, you'll have a very hard time. Assume a fighting stance and dodge Mushin's attacks, then quickly counter with regular attacks and finishers.

Run away from his heavy attacks because his range and penetrating power are extremely high. However, you can still try to dodge Mushin's powerful attacks to counter them. However, you should be stocked up on healing items for this.

Like a Dragon Gaiden How to beat Agent Mushin

Agent Mushin can be defeated almost only in Extreme Heat Mode.

Beat Agent Saigou

This large agent may seem like a tough opponent, but he can't do much to you if you fight in Yakuza style, assume a combat stance, and keep moving around, i.e., dance around Agent Saigou with dodging moves.

Even his heavy attack will mostly miss you, and because he's rather slow, you will almost always be facing unprotected parts of his body that you only need to hit with quick combinations of strikes.

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Don't be afraid of Agent Saigou. He may be big, but he's also a rather slow opponent. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Yoshimura

Fight in Yakuza style and target Yoshimura first – you can safely ignore his minions. However, it's important to follow Yoshimura closely, always running after him. When he more or less stands still, he's relatively easy to hit with strikes and kicks.

It works even better if you corner Yoshimura; then he has little to counter Kiryu's barrage of blows. Once the main enemy is defeated, the remaining fighters can be comfortably finished off in Agent fighting style.

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Yoshimura should be pushed into a corner; this way he has no chance against Kiryu. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Sakuma

Switch to Yakuza style against Sakuma. Block his attacks with your arms and strike as soon as he pauses. When Sakuma activates Heat Mode, do the same but switch to Agent style. Continue fighting as before afterward, but be cautious of your opponent's heavy attacks, which you should dodge in order to counter.

An advantage of this "block tactic" is that an unstoppable Heat action is possible while blocking (as long as you have enough Heat). If you keep refilling your Heat gauge during the fight, you shouldn't have much trouble with Sakuma.

Beat Yao

Gain an edge against Yao by increasing Kiryu's maximum hit points to level 3. Fight in Agent style. Your first action should be a block followed by a fierce Heat action. After that, you should fight almost exclusively with the items that clutter the surrounding area.

Frequently use Heat actions and replenish your Heat gauge with Tauriner bottles. The best way to deal with Yao's heavy attacks, which are really powerful, is to run away from them.

Beat Kubota

Use the Agent style since Kubota is a remarkably agile fighter. To defeat him, you need to outmaneuver him. Dance around him quickly and attack his flanks. Kubota's heavy attacks are slow and therefore easier to block or counter.

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Kubota is damn agile, so be just as agile as him. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Ukita

Use the Agent style. Ukita is a tough opponent with a gun, and he's unfortunately very skilled with it. Activate Extreme Heat Mode as quickly as possible to then barrage Ukita with punches. You'll need to use a Tauriner drink or two here.

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Ukita is a tough opponent as he knows how to use his pistol very well.

Tips for Dealing with Groups

When facing groups of enemies, always be on the lookout for armed attackers initially. They should be your first priority to eliminate. As a rule of thumb, neutralize enemies with firearms first, then deal with those using melee weapons. If there are very large weapons among them, such as heavy hammers, prioritize them over smaller weapons, as they often have a long range and can disrupt the fight significantly.

In general, the Agent style is the most effective for taking down entire groups because it allows you to move quickly, making it difficult for most opportunistic hits to land. However, there are exceptions, as you can determine from poor hit rates. In such cases, switch to the powerful Yakuza style. If you want to take out a group of enemies quickly, use the extreme Heat Mode in the Agent style. You'll see that things will get quite chaotic (to your advantage).

Beat Hanawa and Yoshimura

First take out the group of attackers. The Yakuza combat style works best for this. The duo of Hanawa and Yoshimura can give Kiryu a tough time because they each attack with a pistol and flash grenades. You will definitely take damage, but focus on Yoshimura first to eliminate the threat of gunfire.

For Yoshimura, it's best to corner him in a room and use combos on him in the Yakuza style. Move around occasionally to change your position. Hanawa should also be approached with the Yakuza style, using all available combat resources, including nearby objects, and utilizing Heat actions whenever possible.

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Hanawa and Yoshimura together are challenging opponents. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Like a Dragon Gaiden: Beat all (mini) Bosses in the Castle

Beat Kitahara

Start by taking out Kitahara's companions in the Agent style. The extreme Heat Mode will save you a lot of time here. When dealing with Kitahara himself, use the Yakuza fighting style, primarily using objects such as chairs or tables found around. If you have plenty of Tauriner drinks, use a few to attack Kitahara with furniture via Heat actions.

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Kitahara is only a minor boss and shouldn't pose too much of a challenge. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Amano

Amano's physique and fighting style resemble that of a wrestler, so use the Agent style to combat him. However, start by dealing with his two companions. It's worth noting that you can use a Heat action to take away 50 percent of Amano's health by hitting him with a metal barrel. Do this twice if possible before engaging in melee combat with him. Afterward, you can easily finish him off with a few punches and kicks.

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If Amano manages to grab Kiryu, it will be painful. (Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name)

Beat Tagami and Watabe

You can approach Tagami similarly to how you dealt with Amano, except that you can use finishers in the Agent style to keep him under control. These strikes are powerful and prevent Tagami from reacting between attacks. Deal with him first.

Watabe is a tough opponent due to his seemingly endless combos. Try to avoid getting cornered by him (move away or dodge) and use gadgets like combat drones or objects in the environment, preferably with Heat actions.

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Watabe, in particular, can be a real nuisance. (Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name)

Beat Fukunaga

First Encounter: Beat the mob in the Agent style to fill up your Heat gauge. This may take a moment. Once only Fukunaga remains, grab an iron pipe from the ground and use it on him in a Heat action. Dance around Fukunaga to consistently attack him from behind. However, if he activates Heat Mode, you'll need to change your tactics.

Pick up two knives or another iron pipe from the ground and attack Fukunaga with them using Heat actions. Afterward, he should have only one health bar left. Enter the extreme Heat Mode and keep attacking Fukunaga aggressively (strike, strike, finisher). Then, a Heat icon should appear, so take the opportunity to kick him a few more times. This should be enough for the first encounter.

Second Encounter: Now you're up against Fukunaga, who wields a massive hammer. Continue using the Agent style to have the speed advantage. However, before dealing with Fukunaga himself, eliminate the Fukunaga group using the nearby chairs. This will cause the most damage and reduce resistance.

You can attack "Hammer Fukunaga" head-on in the Agent style, but be ready to dodge quickly with a few evasive steps back. This way, you can counter at least one of his heavy attacks. Then, summon all combat drones and throw lamps or chairs at Fukunaga. He shouldn't be able to stand much longer after that.

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Oh, don't worry! This mob is relatively easy to deal with. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Nishitani

First Encounter: Gain an advantage by having full upgraded attack power (4/4) and use the Agent style. If needed, charge your Heat gauge and use Heat actions to hit Nishitani with two pillars from the set. Dodge his attacks by backstepping until you can grab another object, such as a potted plant, and hit him with it using a Heat action. These three attacks will reduce the patriarch's health by two of his four health bars.

When Nishitani activates his Heat Mode, you can continue a similar strategy as before. Dodge his attacks and grab a chair from the set. Hit your opponent with it a few times normally, then perform a Heat action. Now Nishitani will have only one health bar left.

You can reduce his health further using a few punches and kicks in extreme Heat Mode. Your Heat gauge doesn't need to be nearly full for this; you'll finish off the clan leader within seconds.

Second Encounter: Before this battle, stock up on Toughness Z(Z), Staminan X(X), and Tauriner(+) from Tsuruha Drugs. You should have enough money by now to buy the maximum carryable amount of each. Additionally, fill your pockets with bento boxes from the Poppo shops for extra safety.

Equip an armor piece with Bleeding resistance, such as the Genbu Bracelet, as it otherwise only reduces your bullet defense, which isn't important here. It's also advantageous to unlock the Ultimate Net Counter for the Agent combat style, as it allows you to counter powerful attacks twice. Use the Agent style to fight. Against this Nishitani, you need to be very agile, so move primarily with evasive steps.

You'll essentially need to keep evading the entire time. Occasionally, try to land a single kick (finisher), sometimes you'll have time for two hits. Use Staminan for healing if your Heat gauge is empty.

Now activate the extreme Heat Mode and continue fighting as before. Shortly after, Nishitani should activate his Heat Mode as well. Interestingly, it becomes somewhat easier now. Wait for the patriarch to throw a flash grenade. You'll be blinded and paralyzed while Nishitani prepares a heavy attack.

Regardless, keep evading, even if you don't move from your spot because this actually allows you to dodge just before the hit lands - and you can counter the heavy attack (twice with the Net Counter). Repeat this several times. As long as Nishitani doesn't throw a grenade, move around as usual and try to land an occasional finisher hit.

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The first battle against Patriarch Nishitani is much easier than the second one. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Mishima, Hidaka, and Yamamoto

This brawl will keep you busy for a while. Focus first on the weaker fighters, especially the "gunslingers." You can easily knock them to the ground with a running jump kick, and then finish them off with kick and punch combos.

Beat the other opponents using both the Agent and Yakuza styles, as this will create confusion and allow you to land more hits. Additionally, use items from the club's furniture to your advantage. While battling the enemy group, you'll automatically reduce Hidaka's health by about half because he seems to enjoy standing in your line of attack.

After dealing with the henchmen, start with Hidaka among the three mini-bosses. This can be done effortlessly in the Yakuza style; no special tactics are needed here. Next, beat down Mishima (the swordsman) with some punches and then engage in a swordfight with him.

There are at least two katanas on the ground; the defeated Mishima leaves behind a third one. Now all you have to do is stab (via the finisher) Mishima and Yamamoto from the front with the katana until they're defeated. They are completely defenseless against the katana's range.

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The brawl against the Kijin Clan at Cabaret Grande will take some time. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Shimizu

In this melee against Nishitani's clan, there are technically several mini-bosses, but only Shimizu stands out. All the other enemies can easily be taken down in the Agent style, with your first priority being the ones with shotguns.

Always start your attack on them with a running jump kick to make them immediately fall to the ground and prevent them from causing you further damage. Shimizu is difficult to defeat in close combat, so pick up pistols and shotguns from the ground and use them to shoot Shimizu.

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What, there are multiple mini-bosses here? We only noticed Shimizu. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Battle Against the Omi Alliance

Use the Agent combat style and equip an armor piece that provides resistance against bleeding, as multiple blades are aimed at you. Unlike previous group battles, you won't be able to focus solely on eliminating foot soldiers because Nishitani is pursuing you and occasionally launching fierce attacks. Deal with him as you did during your second encounter: Wait for Nishitani to charge up a heavy attack and counter it.

Between his attacks, you'll have the opportunity to take out the Omi henchmen. However, you must keep an eye on Nishitani the entire time. If he hits you with his heavy attack, you may be defeated immediately. In the next phase, where you face Nishitani and four of his henchmen, you can continue fighting as before, but prioritize quickly disabling the soldiers armed with firearms.

Once you're facing Nishitani alone again, repeat the tactics from your second encounter. Additionally, use nearby items like a shovel or a traffic cone to strike him with Heat actions. After defeating Nishitani, grab a weapon from the ground, such as a baseball bat, and strike Shishido with it using a Heat action again.

Afterward, you can fight him like any other opponent on the field: dance around him with evasive movements and strike or kick him in intervals of three or at most six sidesteps. With this approach, victory is practically assured.

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In one of the last battles of Like a Dragon Gaiden, there is a reunion with previous boss opponents.

Like a Dragon Gaiden: Beat all Fighters in the Colosseum

Important: Of course, the damage you take in fights always depends somewhat on your reaction ability. So, when you're in the Colosseum, always play it safe by stocking Kiryu's inventory with healing items.

At this point in the game, money should no longer be an issue. Therefore, for the Colosseum, it is recommended to carry the maximum number of the following aids:

  • Toughness ZZ
  • Tauriner(+)
  • Bento boxes
  • Sushi Combo
  • Optional: Staminan XX

Additionally, you can stock up on the healing items "Nourishment of the Sea King" and "Refreshment of the Sky King" in the freely explorable city world. These items cost you nothing and have about the same effect as Toughness ZZ or Tauriner+, respectively.

Beat Fake Watase

Use the Agent style. Wait until Watase strikes and then dodge to the left or right with the directional keys (possibly multiple times) to get behind him. From there, strike and repeat this process until Watase is down.

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Fake Watase may be the first opponent in the Colosseum, but he carries a nasty nail club. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Fake Kiryu

Switch to Agent style. Fake Kiryu is a very fast and powerful fighter; therefore, call in drones and dodge his attacks to the sides. You can hit him with individual strikes this way, but longer combinations are only possible if you push him to the edge of the ring. The latter is also the key to victory.

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Fake Kiryu fights quite well, as you would expect from the name. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Ryuji Goda

Round 1: Fighting Ryuji Goda gets a bit more complicated. Start in Agent style. You must call in combat drones and take advantage of Goda's occasional "posing" to inflict damage. When this behemoth approaches, make many dodging steps to counter his heavy attacks and pummel him with a Heat action while he's down.

Round 2: Stay in Agent style. Literally dance in circles around one of the tigers and strike (or kick) every few dodges. This way, it takes a moment to disable all the tigers, but you'll also come away with just a few scratches.

Round 3: Switch to Yakuza style. Wait for Goda's attack, dodge twice backward in succession, and immediately strike. Repeat this pattern until Goda is defeated.

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The supposed Ryuji Goda throws Kiryu to the tigers. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Beat Hammerhead

Fight in Agent style. No sophisticated tactics are necessary against the former wrestler, but be on guard for his heavy attacks. It's safest to run away during the charging phase. Otherwise, maintain a steady mix of strikes, kicks, and dodging steps.

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Compared to the previous fighters in the Colosseum, Hammerhead is a surprisingly easy opponent.

Beat Dan Brody

First Encounter: Outside the Colosseum, Dan Brody, considered the weakest of the Four Kings, is still a relatively straightforward opponent, assuming, of course, that you've boosted Kiryu's attack power and HP bar significantly. For most of this battle, it's best to use the Agent combat style stance, as it allows you to maneuver around Brody's drones (when the drones approach, simply perform three consecutive evasive steps to the left or right) and dodge his attacks.

A good tactic here is to evade an attack with two or three sidesteps and then follow up with a finisher. In the Agent style, this is usually a type of back kick executed from a crouched position. To speed up your victory over Brody, occasionally use nearby furniture items as weapons (via Heat actions). Throwing them at him won't have a significant impact.

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Considered the weakest of the Four Kings of the Colosseum: Dan Brody. (Like a Dragon Gaiden)

Note: This boss guide will be continually updated.

Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name will be available from November 8, 2023 for PC (Steam), Playstation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One. The price for the base game is 50 dollars for all platforms.


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After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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