New World: Finding and Mining Iron - The most important resource in the game

Published: Oct. 03, 2021
Updated: Oct. 03, 2021

German English

If you want to increase your mining skill in the MMORPG New World or want to manufacture better weapons, tools, and equipment, you cannot ignore iron. The ore can be mined at the beginning of the game, we tell you what you need and where to find iron veins.

How to Identify Iron Ore: Iron ore is easy to find in New World. Look out for black-brownish rocks, especially on mountain areas. These can either be larger than you or smaller. Often, two to three iron veins are located together in a pile or at a short distance from one another. Always grab the biggest first!

This is how you mine iron ore: To mine iron ore, all you need is a pickaxe and mining level 0. With a higher area reputation in the course of the game, you can also choose bonuses that give you more raw materials. Your pickaxe itself can also receive bonuses at a higher level to make mining for ores easier.

The ore veins respawn after about 10 to 15 minutes.


This is where you can find iron ore in New World

Basically, you can find iron ore in highland areas, especially in the launch zones of New World. If you look at your own map, you will see some gray areas. These are mountains in the game world, near or directly on top of which ores can often be found.

Attention: But ore veins can also appear in the middle of the forest or in the meadow. So always keep your eyes open. There is no particularly good farm spot directly because the ores are heavily farmed, especially on full servers.

New World Map Iron

The dark gray areas on the map are mountains. Often the ores can also be found there.

On the interactive map, you can also filter for all possible iron ore spots and go on a farming run ingame.

What do you need iron ore in New World for?

For this you need the ore directly: The iron ore can be melted down directly into iron bars in a melting furnace. You can also use the ore at a forge to make armor kits for city-building project quests.

For this you need iron bars: You can do a lot more with the iron bars that are produced.

  • Weapons rank 2
  • Tools rank 2
  • Heavy armor rank 2
  • Medium armor rank 2
  • Light armor rank 2
  • Steel bars

That is why iron is an important raw material: you will not be able to avoid iron later, either. Because even steel, with which you then produce rank 3 weapons, armor, and tools, needs iron. And the next step, the production of star metal for rank 4, requires steel, including iron. So the need of iron run through the entire game.

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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