Raft: All Cheats After Version 1.0 Thanks to Mods

Published: Oct. 18, 2022
Updated: Oct. 18, 2022

German English

In the survival game Raft, you can make things easier for yourself and your fellow players by using cheats. However, using cheats has become more complicated since version 1.0 “The Final Chapter”. We'll tell you how you can use cheats in Raft.

What happened: After the update 1.0 “The Final Chapter”, you can no longer use the console cheats. But they have been replaced by cheat mods that you can use instead. Below, we'll introduce you to all the cheat mods that are an alternative to the old console cheats.

Raft Cheat Mods

Since the latest Raft update, you have to use cheat mods to be able to use cheats within the game. You can find these Mods on the RaftModding community page. To install the Cheat mods, you must download the ModLoader, which we explain in our Guide.

Attention!: Be careful if you want to download third-party content, as it may also contain viruses!

KUtility - the Godmode-like Cheat Mod

KUtility is a replacement for the classic Godmode cheat. The mod provides you with infinite health, your thirst and hunger indicators are permanently full, but you also breathe underwater indefinitely. It also disables all sharks and seagulls within the game, so you don't have to fear them anymore.

Quelle: RaftModding

Item Spawner

With the help of the Item Spawner, you can spawn all items, animals, landmarks, and modded content. Therefore, the item spawner is a suitable replacement for the spawn cheats.

Inventory Stack Mods

Stack Mod: Stack Mod increases the stack size of all stackable items within the game.

Inventory Stack: Inventory Stack, removes items you've used to craft from the last slot, instead of the first as before.

Raft WeMod Trainer

If you only want to use one mod, the Raft WeMod Trainer is an alternative to the three mods above, offering you the following:

  • Unlimited health
  • Unlimited oxygen
  • No thirst
  • No hunger
  • Easy to make
  • Simple construction
  • Infinite durability of all tools

All old cheats in Raft

If you are still playing on an old version of Raft or the developers are reintegrating the good old console into the game and making the cheats work, we will list all the console cheats for you.

General cheats

  • /godmode – activates Godmode
  • /shift – moves the raft to the center of the game world
  • /set fps [value] – sets the FPS limit of Raft
  • /set gamemode [value] – changes your gamemode

Character Cheats

  • /set hunger [value] – determines your Hunger
  • /set thirst [value] – determines your Thirst
  • /set blockhealth [value] – sets your Blockhealth
  • /set bonushunger [value] – changes your Bonushunger
  • /set oxygen [value] – sets your oxygen


  • /spawn shark – a shark spawns
  • /spawn pufferfish – a pufferfish spawns
  • /spawn stonebird – the stonebird spawns
  • /spawn llama –  a Llama spawns
  • /spawn goat – a goat spawns
  • /spawn chicken – a chicken spawns
  • /spawn boar – a boar spawns
  • /spawn [Itemname] – the entered Item spawns
  • /clear [Itemname] – lets the entered object disappear
  • /clear [animalname] – lets the entered animal disappear
  • /spawn landmark_big
  • /spawn landmark_pilot
  • /spawn landmark_raft
  • /spawn landmark
More about Raft:

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