Raft: How to Get Wool & Craft all Recipes

Published: Oct. 12, 2022
Updated: Oct. 12, 2022

German English

If you want to really get started in Raft and produce the various utensils necessary for survival, you need one thing above all: lots of resources. One of these resources is wool, which is one of the most important raw materials in Raft. You'll need wool for various recipes, including clothes and backpacks. In this guide, we will explain how to farm wool effectively. You'll also learn which recipes use this resource.

Find and farm wool in Raft: This is how it works

Where do I get wool in Raft? Basically, you won't find wool just anywhere in the open landscape, but you'll get it from llamas. Llamas are one of the three types of animals you can catch and put on your raft (along with cluckers and goats).

To settle a llama on your raft, do this

  • First, collect dirt with the shovel on the large islands to create a meadow on your raft.
  • Water the gras plot so that grass grows there. This is what your llama will feed on later (and also the other animals you can settle on your raft). Build a fence to enclose the gras plot.
  • Go to an island and look for a llama, which you can then catch with the net thrower.
    If the llama has lived on your raft for a short time, you can relieve it of its wool with scissors.

You can get wool from the llama on the left and the sheep on the right.

How to get the necessary Items? In order for you to settle a llama on your raft, you need four items, namely a shovel, a fence, a net thrower and a pair of scissors. You can get these items as follows:

  • How to craft a Shovel? To make a shovel you need 1x metal ingot, 1x bolt and 6x wooden planks.
    Metal ingots can be made in the smelter (must be researched) using planks of metal ores that you mine on islands.
    Bolts are made from metal ingots.
    Wooden planks can be obtained as flotsam from the sea or from cutting down trees.
  • Build a Fence: You can make a fence from wooden planks.
  • Craft net caster: You make the net thrower from 4x plastic, 2x scrap, 2x bolts and 1x metal ingot. To use the net caster you need net canisters as ammunition. You make them from 4x ropes, 4x stones and 1x explosive powder. You can get the powder from puffer fish.
  • Scissors: You have to research the scissors at the research table first. You need two metal bars in order to craft it.

What to use Wool for in Raft? All Crafting Recipes

In Raft, there are a total of four important recipes for which you need wool:

  • Backpack: grants ten additional inventory slots; costs 4x leather, 4x rope, 6x wool to make.
  • Leather helmet: reduces damage from enemies (withstands 20 hits); costs 4x leather, 2x wool
  • Leather leg protector: reduces damage from enemies (withstands 20 blows); costs 5x leather, 3x wool
  • Leather vest: reduces damage from enemies (withstands 30 blows); costs 8x leather, 4x wool

As you see: wool is an important resource in Raft, but with some preparation, it's also relatively easy to get. We wish you good luck with your Raft farm. By the way, you can read more useful guides about Raft right here on Guided.

More Guides about Raft:

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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