Raft: Temperance Walkthrough - Everything you Need to Know About the Ice Island

Published: Sep. 08, 2022
Updated: Sep. 12, 2022

German English

In our guide to the survival game Raft we show you how to find Temperance Island and present the solution to the puzzles. You have to complete 5 tasks in total, and you will now find out how to do it.

This is Temperance in Raft and this is how you can solve the puzzles

Only with Raft Chapter 3, released on June 20, 2022, will you be able to find Temperance, the seventh island. You can get the coordinates to this location on Varuna Point, the previous destination, on the lower floors. If you haven't found them yet, you can read our solution for Varuna Point on how to get the coordinates step by step.

Here's what you should know beforehand: Temperance is a snowy, freezing cold island where you'll run into polar bears, explore an abandoned igloo village, ride a snowmobile and solve a few puzzles.

You should leave your inventory empty for loot and only take the essentials like water, food, and weapons.

You have to solve these tasks:

  • Find all electrical cables at the radio towers and in the igloo village.
  • Provide electricity to the abandoned village.
  • Open the observatory safe to get the Selene key.
  • Solve the puzzles to find the three control sticks in the Selene Research Facility.
  • Find the coordinates of Utopia.

RAFT: Temperance Find cables on the radio towers

Anchor your raft at one of the "snow beaches" and head to the island. To get around the island quickly, look out for small shelters that have snowmobiles in them. With them, you can explore the island comfortably and quickly. Since you can get to the island from multiple sides, the route to the snowmobile is different.

Now you need to control four radio towers with flashing lights, each with two electrical wires attached to their bases that you collect. Prepare to encounter a polar bear in front of each tower, which you can kill or lure away with the snowmobile. If you have decided on the second variant, after you have lured the polar bear away, drive back quickly, collect the cable and flee from the polar bear to the next radio tower.

Once you have collected all the cables from the radio towers, you now have eight in your inventory. You get the ninth and last cable in the abandoned igloo village.

RAFT: Temperance: Power up the Abandoned Village

Image-Source: Polygon

Once you have collected as many cables as possible, your next task is to supply the abandoned igloo village with electricity. At the entrance to the village there is an electrical outlet where you will find a note, approach it, and you can execute the command to pull an electrical wire. Lead the cables from house to house up to the big one in the middle of the settlement.

After you have connected the houses, they will open, and you can take the loot from them. In the central building of the settlement you will find various resources and a blowtorch, which you will need later to gain access to the facility. So take her with you.

  • The igloo, which is medically furnished, houses the next note.
  • In the two-storey igloo, you will find the blueprint for an Advanced Biofuel Refiner on the upper floor.

RAFT: Temperance: The Observatory

Near the path that leads to the village is the observatory, which you are going to now. At the gate you will find the third note.

Once you reach the entrance, the ground beneath you will collapse, and you will fall into the cave passages below. Follow the linear path and get ready to encounter frogfish that you can kill or dodge if you don't want to fight. At the end of the path, you will be faced with a ladder that will take you to the observatory. In front of this, you will find two more notes.

Upstairs, to the left of the telescope, you'll find the sixth note. Just below the scientist, you'll find the seventh note, next to which you'll see the eighth note lying on the floor. Using the notes showing star constellations, you can open the safe by counting the stars that appear in each constellation.

Order of Constellations Star Count
  1. Bird
  2. Blowfish
  3. Hook
  4. Raft
  1. 5 Stars
  2. 9 Stars
  3. 6 Stars
  4. 4 Stars

The number of stars and the order of the notes results in the following code: 5-9-6-4, with which you can open the safe on the upper floor of the observatory. From the safe, you get the Selene key and a blueprint for the Advanced Stationary Anchor.

RAFT: Temperance: Selene Research Facility

Now you make your way to the Selene Research Facility, which you can recognize by the green light that shines into the sky from the building.

Use the blowtorch to melt the frozen keyhole, so you can open the building with the Selene key. Here you'll find the ninth note to the left of the main console lever.

Puzzle 1

To operate the main console, you will need three control sticks, which you must find now. Put on a protective suit and go to laboratory 2. Enter the ordinal numbers of the elements on the wall into the respective computers to open the next door. Once you've done that, the door will open and you can enter the hallway, where you'll find the first control stick.


  • Cl: 17
  • PM: 61
  • Rb: 37

Tip: If your hazmat suit breaks, exit the lab and change to a new suit.

Put your hazmat suit back on and go into the next room. Here you have to turn a valve to open the next door, however cockroaches will appear every time the valve is turned. Kill all the cockroaches and turn the valve to open the door and collect the second control rod.

Puzzle 2

To open the door to Laboratory 1, you have to direct the laser, which is mounted on the wall, to the power source of the door via various rotating mirrors. Once you have opened the door, go into the hallway behind it and put on a protective suit before you enter the laboratory.

Image-Source: Polygon

Here's another laser puzzle where you have to direct the laser back to the power source of the door by aligning several mirrors. If you did everything correctly, the door will open to a room where you will find a note and the third and final control rod. Now that you have all 3 control rods, you can go forward back into the control room and insert the control rods into their designated slots. Pull the main console lever and use the reactor key to unlock the reactor room.

RAFT: Temperance: reactor room and coordinates for Utopia

Change into a hazmat suit and enter the reactor room, turning valves to clean yourself and open the next room. As before, the cockroaches will come after you turn the valves. Eliminate the cockroaches and turn the valves until the door to the next room opens.
Enter it to unlock the character Shogo and find the code for Utopia, the final island in the story, as well as a blueprint for the Electric Smelter.

With the help of this code, you can now leave for Utopia.

More about Raft

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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