
Stray: Find all Notebooks & Get Transceiver

Published: Jul. 20, 2022
Updated: Jul. 20, 2022

German English

The main quest of Stray is to find four notebooks and bring them to Momo so that she can build you a transceiver. We will tell you the location of each notebook in the slums.

The guide at a glance: In the first open world of Stray -- the Slums -- there are various collection and side quests. Among other things, you have to bring Elliot a poncho or help a musician with sheet music to a new muse. Probably the most exciting collecting task, however, is this one: In the slums you have to collect four different notebooks, which are scattered all over the city. The location of each notebook is clearly marked:

  • Notebook #1 - Momo's apartment
  • Notebook #2 - Zbaltazar's apartment
  • Notebook #3 - Doc's library
  • Notebook #4 - Clementine's study

Find all the notebooks & the safe key in Stray here.

Start Here: We start at a specific starting point in all of our guides to Stray. This starting location is in front of the elevator, on the stairs, and in the opposite direction of the elevator.


Left side starting point. Right side elevator.

Notebook #1 - Climb into Momo's apartment

To start the quest and get the first notebook, you need to get into Momo's apartment. To do this, start at our starting point and jump onto the green container at the bottom of the stairs. From here, scramble up the wall of the building and pass the robot throwing buckets. Jump onto the red lit roof and from here to the right over the house ravine. Again, go vertically up the house wall until you stand on a balcony.

Jump through the window into the apartment and watch the cutscene. Afterwards talk to Momo, the robot woman from the cutscene. She will tell you about the upper world and give you her notebook. You have already found the first of four notebooks in Stray.

Get an overview! If you now leave Momo's apartment through the window, your drone B-12 will point out a symbol on the opposite wall. A sad smiley face on a blue background. Look around to your left and right. On the one hand you will discover the same symbol at the library and on the other hand at a high house to your left -- here your search continues.

Notebook #2 - Off through the vent to Zbaltazar

You stand on the balcony of Momo's apartment and look to the left. On a neon sign, you will see the symbol of the notebooks again. From the balcony, jump to the roof directly below you and run to the house. Here you have to jump up to the roof, where you will see a yellow lit fan. You can easily stop the fan by removing a battery from the power box to the left of it.

Now you can jump through the ventilation into the apartment. Zbaltazar has stacked many boxes and in one of them is his notebook. To open the boxes, you have to jump on them and then jump down again so that they fall over. Now you have the second of the four notebooks in Stray.

Where is the way out? The exit from Zbaltazar's apartment is a window covered by a green curtain. Scratch the curtain until it pops open, and you can leave the apartment.

Notebook #3 & Safe Key - Open the safe in the library.

You'll find the third notebook in the library. Alias, the place that was on your right from Momo's balcony! If you come from Zbaltazar's apartment, you have to hop straight across the rooftops until you arrive at a sofa and TV set. Behind it, you'll find the narrow entrance to the library.

Once inside the library, you have to run to the other end of the room. Here, a wall of books blocks your access to a side room. Just jump over the books and take the key lying on the bed. With this key you have to open the safe in the library, because it contains the third notebook.

You will find the safe in the library behind another wall of books if you follow the directions below:

  • Jump out of the side room where you collected the key.
  • Go straight to the left and turn right at the first opportunity.
  • Knock over the stack of books.
  • Open the safe and take the third of four notebooks in Stray.

Notebook #4 - Break into Clementine's!

When you come out of the library, Clementine's apartment is on your right. As you know, it's marked by a smiley face on a blue background. Jump through the window into the apartment and run to the left. There is a red light shining from an adjoining room. There is only one computer in the room, but on the desk you will find the last notebook.

Finish the quest - What's next? Congratulations! You have found all four notebooks in Stray. Now return to Momo and give her all the notebooks you found.

What is the reward for collecting the books?

A classic reward does not await you now. The main quest continues at this point. Momo will get to work and build a new transceiver, which you'll have to carry up to the highest tower of the slums. Once you have done that, you will automatically start "The Slums - Part 2" and continue with the story.


You need to bring your transceiver to this tower.

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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