The cat adventure Stray has just been released and offers main and side quests as well as collecting tasks. In this guide, we'll tell you how to get all 8 music sheets in Stray and what the musician offers you as a reward!
The guide at a glance: Shortly after the game's intro, you arrive in the slums, a poor village inhabited by androids who think you are a dangerous creature. Yet you are not only harmless but helpful too and can offer your help to some characters. Among others, you'll meet a musician. However, he lacks a Music Sheet to play music on his canister guitar. This is where you come in:
Here's what you need to know: We always mention a starting point in this guide. This is the place in front of the broken elevator -- Stairs, from the bottom of which you can walk in three directions.
Left side is what we refer to starting position. Right side is the elevator which is behind the starting point.
The first Music Sheet can be found in Momo's apartment at the edge of the slums. To get there, you have to climb safely on all paws over the roofs of the slums.
The second Music Sheet in Stray is just a few seconds of bucket descent away from you. Take the zipline that leads directly from Momo's apartment back to the rooftops below. Once at the bottom, jump across the rooftops until you arrive at the balcony across from Momo's apartment.
On the table outside you will find Music Sheet 2, which you can give to the musician.
You start again from the starting point at the stairs. Now you have to find Elliot's programming store, where you will also find the side quest with Elliot's poncho. Scratch the door there. This is the only way the owners will let you in:
Again start from the starting point, but this time turn around towards the elevator. Go down the right staircase and talk to the robot in the tent. The trader offers you different goods in exchange for Energy Cans. You can also buy Music Sheet 4 for 1x Energy Can.
Where can I get Energy Drinks? The easiest place to get the first Energy can is at the vending machine across from the musician. To get a can, you just have to press the interaction button. You've probably already found it, but if you've forgotten, you'll have to press the interaction button: The musician sits to the left of the elevator behind our starting point.
And again you start at the starting point to search for the fifth of the eight Music Sheets in Stray. No problem, the starting point should be right behind you after Music Sheet 4 anyway. This time you need to go to the red-lit pub named above, which is right on the corner in front of you.
Go up the stairs and jump onto the table next to the robot Kaarl. Music Sheet 5 is lying open on the table here -- is that what robots tip?
Once again, you have to go the same way you did for Music Sheet 2. Only this time don't jump onto the balcony, but follow the rusty pipe that leads past it.
Jump through the open window here and then through the wooden sliding wall. You are now standing in the middle of Clementine's bedroom and on the shelf next to the foot of the bed you will already find Music Sheet 6.
Again, the way is simple: Jump out of the window back onto the pipe and follow it back to the red-lit roofs. With cat-like eyes, you now look out for a yellow light chain and a sofa including a TV, which are standing in the middle of the roof.
Behind the sofa, a balcony protrudes from a wall of the house. The door seems to be blocked, but there is just enough room for a small cat to slip through. You are already in the library of the slums.
Go around the bookshelves and look for the piano in the middle of the library. Here you will find Music Sheet 7, for the Stray musician.
For the last Music Sheet, you have to return to the musician and crack the locked safe in the alley to his right. You can find the code for it in the red-lit pub.
If you have found all 8 Music Sheets in Stray and handed them in to the musician, you will receive a badge, the music badge. The cat automatically attaches this to its harness, and from then on you carry the little badge around with you. A reward worth playing for certainly looks different, but for completionists and collectors, this is certainly a cute little gimmick!
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