Tower of Fantasy: Alle Ruins in the Astra Region

Published: Aug. 28, 2022
Updated: Aug. 28, 2022

German English

In the MMORPG Tower of Fantasy, you'll repeatedly come across ruins during your journey through Aida. Each region has several of these dungeons, which are not always easy to solve, but contain promising rewards.

Here's what it's all about: In our Tower of Fantasy guide, we'll not only show you where to find all the ruins in the Navia region, but also how to play through them and collect every single crate and reward.

"Our tip: You can also easily find all the viewpoints with our Tower of Fantasy guides!"

The ruins are easy to spot. They look like giant triangular spaceships. If you want to enter one of these dungeons, you have a choice of levels

  • Simple
  • Normal and
  • Hard

Depending on which difficulty level you choose, there will be more and more difficult enemies waiting for you in the ruins. The level requirement is also different for each level. For example, for the first ruin in Navia C-01 you need level 29 for Easy, level 48 for Normal and level 62 for Hard.

However, you will get more rewards for a higher difficulty. Our guides refer to the ruins with the Easy difficulty level. The challenges inside always consist of fights with enemies, solving puzzles and a boss fight at the end. You can easily find the ruins on the map. They are represented there as symbols that look like small cathedrals.

All Tower of Fantasy ruins in Astra

In each ruin in Astra you can find two chests, all containing the same rewards:

  • 1x Weapon Battery II
  • 1x Matrix Data Pack II

So you can get a total of 6 x Weapon Battery II and 6 x Matrix Data Pack II in the Astra ruins.

Ruine A-01

You can't miss the first ruin A-01, because the story more or less leads you there. It is located east of Astra Shelter. However, the other two ruins in Astra are not part of the main quest, so you have to actively search and find them. This isn't too difficult, though, as you can easily find the ruins on the interactive Tower of Fantasy map.

The first chest of Ruin A-01 is waiting right in the first room. Here you can talk to the AI servant Peanut to get the relic "Missile Barrage". Once you have it, you have to destroy the crumbling wall in the corner with a burning barrel to get to the chest. You can find the second chest in the next room by first defeating the enemies and then destroying the wall on the right side with the rocket barrage.

Tower of Fantasy Ruin A01

Ruine A-02

The second ruin in Astra is located in the very southwest of the region. For this ruin, you need to be at least level 15. First, you have to remove the crate from the platform in the first room. After that, the door on your left will open, and you will get to a staircase with several enemies.

Tower of Fantasy Ruin A02_1

At the top of the stairs, you will find the first chest. Continue to the right, defeat the enemies, and then remove the crate at the back of the room again to use the lever and open the door. Cross the corridor until you get outside and immediately turn right to find the second chest.

Tower of Fantasy Ruin A02_2

More Guides about Tower of Fantasy

Ruine A-03

The last ruin in Astra is located near the northern ring mountain. In the first room you will get the Omnicanon Relic. With it, you can swing onto the stone barrier in the next passage, where the first chest is also waiting for you. At the end of the corridor you will reach the open air, where hyena enemies are waiting for you, which you have to eliminate. After that, you can use the Omnicanone to interrupt the laser beams that block the way to the second chest.

Tower of Fantasy Ruin A03

Now you just have to cross the chasm to get to the boss fight behind it. The omnicanone helps here as well. Shoot it at the opposite end of the chasm to shorten it, and then alternate between using your jetpack and dodging to get across.


Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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