Valheim: How to Build & Use the Cartography Table

Published: Jan. 03, 2023
Updated: Jan. 03, 2023

German English

With the Hearth & Home update, the map table also appeared in the Nordic survival game Valheim. We'll tell you everything you need to know about the mapping table and show you how to build and use it.

What it’s about: Until the release of the Hearth & Home update, players in Valheim had to use a mod to synchronize their map progress with each other. However, with the introduction of the map table, the use of this mod is no longer necessary. We'll show you how to build and properly use this important tool.

How to Build & Use the Cartography Table in Valheim

The map table is especially important when you play Valheim with other people. This is because everyone uncovers their own part of the map and has their own markers created on the map. Previously, you had to rely on Mod to share this information. But thanks to the Hearth & Home update, that hasn't been necessary for a while. In the meantime, all you have to do is build a map table.

To build a cartography table, as with other buildings and construction items, you first need the construction hammer. With the hammer selected, open the construction menu. There you can simply select and place the table.

To build a cartography table, you need the following raw materials:

  • 10x Fine Wood
  • 10x Bone Fragments
  • 2x Bronze
  • 5x Leather Scraps
  • 4x Raspberries

Already you can choose and place the table.

More about Valheim

How to Use the Cartography Table

Now that you've built the table, we'll explain how to use it properly. The player who wants to share his markers and card progress stand at the side of the table. There is a box there that the player can interact with. When the player interacts, all the areas that the player has discovered will now be saved on the table.

If you want to see your teammate's map, you can now simply go to the other side of the table, with the big map, and interact with the table there. If you look at your card afterward, you will see that the exposed area has grown, and you can see your teammate's grayed-out markers.

Tip: You can also set whether you want to see only your markers or also those of the other players, in case this is too much for you. You can also left-click on the grayed-out markers to apply them or right-click to delete them.

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