
Arma Reforger Get's new Update 1.1 "Resistance Ops"

Published: Apr. 12, 2024
Updated: Apr. 18, 2024

German English

The first major update is here. Arma Reforger 1.1 Resistance Ops not only introduces new playable content, civilian clothing, weapons and vehicles, but also brings numerous gameplay improvements.


  • You can now play in a guerrilla resistance faction.
  • New game mode Combat Ops: Everon for up to five (party) players.
  • AI improvements to make non-human opponents much more challenging.
  • Gameplay improvements.

Arma Reforger Update Brings Combat Ops: Everon

In this new mode, you can work alone or with up to five friends to liberate the island of Everon from the Soviet forces. The AI-controlled opponents are designed to provide a dynamic game scenario that is never the same and offers new challenges every time.


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New Weapons and Civilian Assets

The arsenal of weapons in Arma Reforger: Resistance Ops is impressive. All three factions have received new weapons, reworked models and upgraded weapon variants. Among other things, the update introduces the all-new US M16A2 Carbine, enhanced optics for the US and Soviet factions and a greatly expanded arsenal for the FIA, which now includes the UK-59L machine gun, the NSV Turret and even an armed UAZ.

The FIA also receives numerous civilian “features”, such as a selection of civilian clothing to disguise itself. To be successful in guerrilla operations, the faction also receives two civilian vehicles, the Šárka S1203 and S105.

All factions now have an expanded arsenal.
The FIA now has a selection of civilian clothing and civilian vehicles.

AI and Gameplay Improvements

As already mentioned, the behavior of the AI-controlled opponents has been improved. They now show much better tactical behavior. For example, these enemies will now seek cover or throw smoke grenades to rescue wounded teammates safely.

However, the heart of the new Arma Reforger update is undoubtedly the numerous gameplay improvements, the most important of which are listed below:

  • Radios must now be deployed to spawn on them.
  • Fast travel is now limited to deployed radios.
  • Living quarters can only spawn a set number of AI.
  • Spawning at bases under attack takes longer.
  • Supplies spawn more slowly and are capped at lower amounts in bases.

You can check out the full changelog for a detailed breakdown of all the new additions, changes, and tweaks.

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Markus has been part of our Guided.news team since June 2022 and writes about many topics as a dedicated gamer. But he is especially fond of Path of Exile and other ARPGs.
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