Valheim: Build Blast Furnace & Craft Black Metal

Published: Sep. 05, 2022
Updated: Sep. 30, 2024

German English

In Valheim you have to keep developing to beat better and better bosses. For the best items in Valheim you will need a Blast Furnace to craft Black Metal, and we will now explain how to get it!

What's the matter? You require the Blast Furnace in Valheim from a certain point in the game to produce higher-quality equipment. How you can build the furnace, what material you can process with it, and much more now.

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How to build the Blast Furnace in Valheimblast furnace

What does he bring? The Blast Furnace in Valheim is currently used to create Black Metal (black metal) manufacture. From this, you craft stronger weapons, tools, and shields.

Unlock and build: To get access to the blueprint of the Blast Furnace at all, you have to defeat the boss Moder. This one is located in the Mountain Biome and is a large white dragon.

Once you have defeated him, you have to set up a magic table, and there you will find the blueprint. So that you can set up the coveted oven, you first need these materials:

  • Stone ×20
  • Surtling core ×5
  • Iron ×10
  • Fine wood ×20

Features: You can place the stove on the ground or a stone floor. At the moment, however, you cannot place it on wood. It is also worth knowing:

  • The blast furnace burns coal once every 15 seconds
  • It takes 31 seconds for 1 iron to melt
  • You can pack a maximum of 20 coal and 10 ore in it

How to Craft Black Metal in Valheim

Melting Black Metal: To get the coveted Black Metal, all you have to do is pour in coal and "Black Metal Scrap". Then you just wait. In addition to Black Metal, the Blast Furnace can melt Flametal Ore. The product from it is not used in the current version of Valheim.

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The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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