
DayZ: How To Find Your Friends on Xbox, PC & PlayStation

Published: Jan. 03, 2023
Updated: Jan. 15, 2024

German English

DayZ is most fun with friends, but first, you need to find them. In this guide, we'll give you three ways to meet up with your friends within minutes.

How to find your friends in DayZ (TLDR):

  • Find your friends with an interactive DayZ map.
  • Orient yourselves using landmarks.
  • (PC Mod Servers) Use the in-game menu and create a group.

Here's how you can quickly find your friends in DayZ

1. find friends with interactive map

On Guided.news we have implemented the interactive map of IZurvive. Here you can create a group, invite your friends and create markers visible to all. To find your friends you can now even turn on points of interest like water towers, churches etc.. This way you can locate your position and aim for a common goal.

It can be an advantage if you already know the maps in their broad outlines and can quickly recognize landmarks. Which landmarks you and your friends will find along the spawns on Chernarus & Livonia, we will show you in the next method.

2. Find your Friends with Landmarks and Points of Interests

An obvious way to find your friends in DayZ is to know your way around. Or rather, it's enough if you can identify the town names. Identify is enough because at least on Chernarus they are written in Cyrillic letters. Based on these place names, you can then use an in-game map to find out where you are.

Even easier, if you and your friends start together, you'll all spawn on the coast in Chernarus anyway. Look around. What can you see, special structures or an island?

Landmarks along the coast of Chernarus (north to south):

  • Small fishing village in a hollow: You started in the far northeast at Berezhki.
  • View of town with harbor bay: You started in Svetlojarsk, the last major city in the north, along the coast.
  • Spawn at harbor bay: Here you started in Berezino
  • View of apple orchards uphill: South of Berezino.
  • Big concrete block with train station: This is the Factory, halfway between the south and east coast.
  • Village with harbor bay & quarry: You are in Solnichny, the first big town before the curve to the south coast.
  • Large island off coast with some side islands: You started at Skallisty Island and are in the lower right corner of the map (south-east).
  • Big city without high-rise buildings: You started in the south at Elektrozavodsk.
  • Big city with high-rise housing estates: Here you are in the neighboring city of Chernogorsk, the largest city in DayZ.
  • Swampy area with a small airfield: Welcome to Balota, a small village on the southern coast, west of Chernogorsk.
More about DayZ

3. Use in-game 3-D markers to find friends in DayZ (PC only).

On some servers of the PC version of DayZ, you always have an in-game map, which you can open with the 'M' key. Here, you can set a marker by double-clicking and displaying it as a 3D marker. A 3D marker is always displayed, even when the map is closed. Like a HUD, it shows you the distance and the exact location. This way, you can find your friends in DayZ without much effort. Just set a marker at the meeting point and walk there.

On some servers, there is already a built-in group system that you can use to invite your friends. If you belong to the same group, you will be displayed to each other in various ways:

  • 3D marking across the entire map.
  • 3D marking up to a certain kilometer limit (usually one to five kilometers).
  • Marking on the mod map that you open with 'M'.

Although this method is the simplest, it is reserved for players on the PC. Because officially this feature is not, but part of modifications. Most modded DayZ servers that you can find in the DZSA launcher have such a map.

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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