Lost Ark has been playable for everyone since last Friday. Despite server problems at launch, the game is happy to welcome lots of players who want to experience the many compelling group contents with dungeons and PvP with friends. In this article, we'll briefly summarize for you how to create and break up a party.
How to add friends: Lost Ark is an MMORPG and the best way to play it is how? With your friends! But the first thing you need to do is send them a friend request. To do this, you need to open the community tab via the main menu or the shortcut "U".
Join and leave groups: In the community window, you can add all your friends or invite existing ones to a group by right-clicking. If you want to join an existing group, the party leader will have to send you an invitation, you can explain how to do that now.
The way to leave a group or raid in Lost Ark takes some getting used to. However, there are two options available to you on how to leave your group, which we will introduce now:
With both variants another dialog window opens. Here you will be asked if you really want to leave the group. Confirm with Yes, and you are no longer part of the group or the raid.
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