
Path of Exile 3.19: New League Coming in Mid-August

Published: Jul. 15, 2022
Updated: Jul. 15, 2022

German English

After there were no balance changes in the last expansion of Path of Exile, the currently ongoing Sentinel league, the new league is again much larger.

This is what happened: In an announcement this week, Grinding Gear Games announced the planned launch date for the new Challenge League in Path of Exile. According to this, the extension 3.19 should start on August 12th.

This is what awaits you in Path of Exile 3.19

As always, all new league content will be revealed in a live stream. However, GGG already hinted in its announcement that 3.19 will be larger than the current Sentinel league:

And of course you can look forward to a new league challenge, as well as lots of other content and balance changes that we will be revealing in the live stream.

The joy of the Path of Exile community is correspondingly great. Since the current Sentinel league contained no notable buffs or nerfs compared to its predecessor, the euphoria about expansion 3.18 was initially limited. After all, an essential part of any new league is to develop new builds before launch or adapt the old ones to the changes of the new expansion. For Path of Exile 3.19, new builds can be worked on again.

Further improvements to the Path of Exile endgame were also announced. Such has been introduced again and again in previous leagues with regard to Path of Exile 2. There have been innovations in the last leagues, such as the Atlas Skill Tree or the new Uber bosses. So we can assume that 3.19 will also bring new endgame content again.


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That's what's happening with the Sentinel League

Even if August 12th is not yet certain, one thing is clear; it won't be long. GGG is usually very reliable in its forecasts for the new leagues. As in previous leagues, the release date of Path of Exile 3.19 on August 12 means the following:

  • End of Sentinel League on August 8th
  • Live stream announcing 3.19 on August 4th

For your chest content, this means: Everything you have earned and farmed in Path of Exile 3.18 will be transferred to the standard league. The only exception is the league-specific items. These can be found in your chest in separate "Remove" tabs. (Note: These subjects are only active for 30 days).

During the stream on August 4th, we can probably hope for Twitch Drops again. If the start of the new league is unexpectedly delayed due to development issues, the entire schedule will be pushed back by a week.

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Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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