During his more than 100 hours with Baldur’s Gate 3, our editor Alex stumbled upon an anttique key in the Arcane Tower. Here, he reveals what it can unlock.
In this guide, you will learn:
The Arcane Tower of Baldur’s Gate 3 is guarded inside by many "animated armors". If you defeat them all and loot, you will find an old key in the inventory of one of the guards. That's great, but there's no clue in the entire tower about which keyhole it fits. Perhaps it opens at least the door to a great treasure chamber, right?
Well, you better brace yourself for a bitter disappointment. The Antique Key, how it's called, doesn’t open a place of great riches, nor does it fit into the heart of one of your companions. No, this mysterious key simply opens the front door of the Arcane Tower. That's it. It’s not connected to a side or main quest; the Antique Key is just a standard front door key.
The mysterious Antique Key found in the Arcane Tower only opens the main gate of the building. (Baldur’s Gate 3)
In the screenshot above, you can see exactly which door is meant. So, unlock it, maybe step in front of it a few times, and then throw away the key. However, you could also take it to the Underdark Sink and throw it into the stockpile of green mushrooms.
A bold shot with a bow or crossbow into the midst of the mushrooms is enough; they will then explode and set the entire place on fire. Whether this will destroy the boring Antique Key, I can't say for sure. But as a sorely disappointed adventurer, I'm inclined to try this in my next round of Baldur’s Gate 3.
Some consolation might be found in the fact that the Arcane Tower holds other secrets, one of which is activating the tower. How exactly to do this, you can read in this guide. Apart from that, the Antique Key is not the only object in the Arcane Tower that poses a puzzle.
You will also find an apparently broken button, whose dysfunction and proximity to the ground makes your hero or heroine ponder. What this button is all about, you can find out here.
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