Diablo 4: Finding Abstruse Sigils to Upgrade Accessories

Published: Jun. 07, 2023
Updated: Jun. 07, 2023

German English

Abstruse Sigils are one of the materials you need in Diablo 4 to upgrade legendary amulets and rings. This guide explains how and where you can get Abstruse Sigils.

Here's the deal: When it comes to upgrading items in Diablo 4, Abstruse Sigils don't play a role at first. Because for now, only the blacksmith will help you get improved items, and he won't ask you for abstruse ingredients.

However, as soon as your character reaches the 20th level, the jewel smith will enter the stage, who needs exactly those Abstruse Sigils to improve legendary rings and amulets, among other things. Well, where to get them and not steal them?

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Diablo 4: Where can I get Abstruse Signets?

While upgrading Legendary Armor and Legendary Weapons takes a lot of effort, upgrading accessories is relatively easy. Most of the time, all you need is Silver and Iron Ore, as well as Cloudy Crystals and Abstruse Sigils.

The source of Abstruse Sigils, and that's about the only problem, is other legendary rings and amulets. You can recycle them as usual at the blacksmith, which will give you a varying amount of Abstruse Sigils.

Diablo 4: Abstruse Siegel Juwelenschmied

Upgrades your legendary amulets and rings in Diablo 4: the Jeweler. (Image source: PlayCentral)

Of course, if you need a lot of seals to level up a certain accessory, you'll have to bring a lot of legendary jewelry to the blacksmith. Getting it, in turn, can be a bit of a hassle, since it's mainly available in dungeons. Anyway, you can also try the curiosity dealer, who offers legendary items in exchange for obols.

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After graduating from high school, I initially wanted to study instrumental music. However, eventually I pursued a career as a video game journalist, which I started at the prestigious Ehapa-Verlag publisher, among others. Today, I share my extensive video game expertise with Guided. I benefit from over 40 years of experience with PC and console games, as well as my work in game development for the indie studio Knights of Bytes. I understand how video games work, and I also know how to convey my knowledge in an understandable manner.
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