
EFT: "Bad Rep Evidence" Quest Guide for Prapor - How to do it

Published: Jul. 01, 2022
Updated: Jul. 01, 2022

German English

Bad Rep Evidence is a quest in Escape From Tarkov given to you by the NPC merchant Prapor. The task is to find a folder with incriminating material and bring it to him. Guided.news now tells you how to complete Bad Rep Evidence quickly and easily.

All information about the Bad Rep Evidence quest:

  • You get the quest from Prapor at level 6.
  • You have to visit the maps Customs and Factory. (our map guides are linked).
  • There are two optional steps and one main step that leads to success.
  • You need the key "Portable Bunkhouse" for the quest.

Tarkov Quest Guide for Bad Rep Evidence - Here is the material

What is the quest? In the quest, your target is a folder with the item name "Secure Folder 0031". This folder contains explosive information about the mysterious TerraGroup. NPC trader Prapor asks you to find the Secure Folder 0031 on the map Customs, and gives you the location. The location is the Bunkhouse on Customs, for which you need the key "Portable Bunkhouse".

All tasks in the quest:

  • Optional: gain access to the Locked Room on the third floor on Factory.
  • Optional: Find the Portable Bunkhouse key.
  • Mandatory: Find the folder in Bunkhouse on Customs.

Complete the optional objectives of the Tarkov quest Bad Rep Evidence.

How to get into the Factory Room: Let's start with how to get into the Locked Room on Factory: to gain access, you need to find the "Factory Emergency Exit" key. You can find the key in jackets and on completed scavs. Regular spawns are on Customs in the following locations:

  • Dorms (Three-story) on the table next to the TV in the Guard Room.
  • In the factory building on the eastern edge of the map with two chimneys, where you can also find 2x weapon boxes. The key can spawn here in the blue lockers at the eastern exit.
  • Old Gas Station on the ground next to the concrete ring. Note: This spawn is dynamic and can spawn all sorts of items.

Here you will find the Bunkhouse Key: If you have your Factory key, then you can plug it right in and start your next raid on the Factory map. You can find the Portable Bunkhouse Key right here. In the Locked Room, which you have now unlocked, you will find the coveted Bunkhouse Key in a brown jacket, which you will need right away.

More about Escape From Tarkov

Find Secure Folder 0031 and complete Bad Rep Evidence Quest.

You have completed all the optional objectives, and now you only need to recover the mission item on Customs. To do this, go to the two-story bunkhouse directly after starting the raid and open the upper door with your key. Your quest item should now be lying directly on the table. Insert the folder and extract it from the raid.

This is the reward from Bad Rep Evidence:

  • Experience: +4100
  • Parpor Reputation: +0.03
  • Money reward: 35,000 rubles
  • Weapons: 1x PP-91-001 Kedr-B
    • 3x magazines
    • 120x rounds 9x18mm PM PS

Tips and tricks for optimal quest progress

When should you start? If the wipe is fresh, and you already have a night vision device, we recommend that you complete the Bad Rep Evidence quest in a night raid of Tarkov. The NVG separates you from many other players, and the night makes you harder to see by enemies.

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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