The map Customs in Escape From Tarkov is still one of the most played maps in 2022. We want to simplify your tour through Customs and show you in this guide to the EFT map Customs everything from keys, to Loot-Spots, Spawns as well as Exits and of course give important tips!
What's changed: Escape From Tarkov's map Customs railing or Customs is one of the most played maps in the tactical shooter for various reasons. This is mainly due to the game's mission structure, which often sends you there at the beginning of a wipe. Besides, its versatile terrain is also good for beginners to learn.
In this guide, we'll show you everything you need to know about Tarkov Map Customs in 2022 (version 12.12):
Here's what to expect in the 2022 EFT custom map guide:
What you should know: Even before you start your first raid on the Tarkov Customs map, you should consider some important information:
These are the spawn points on Customs: Each map in Escape From Tarkov has different spawns, which can vary at each launch. On the Tarkov map Customs there are 22 PMC spawns. These are distributed on the west and east sides of the map. So you never start in the middle of the map. Here are all the spawn points on Map Customs, including one map:
Customs Exits for all:
Exits for scavs on EFT Customs map:
PMC exits on EFT customs map:
If you start between many small garages on a large truck yard with a red warehouse or directly in front of a river, then you are in the west of the map.
If, however, you only see trees, rocks, and meadows, you are in the north-east of Customs. If you start inside the factory premises, you should wake up in a hall or see nothing more than a few silos and brick buildings. You can use the following points of orientation:
Where are Scavs & Snipers? The density of possible scav locations is particularly high on Customs. Almost everywhere you will meet the trigger-happy NPCs and especially a route along the main road can quickly lead to digital death. We therefore recommend that you choose the south side of Customs as a safe passage. Fewer scavs, no open boss, and relatively many stashes (more on this below). So here only the scav snipers make your life difficult.
Where is the boss location of Reshala? You can meet the Tarkov boss Reshala on Customs in various places. In our tests, we encountered him most often at the gas station on the main road. However, he can also be waiting at Scav-base ZB-013 or in the Dorms.
Behavior & Armament of Reshala: The boss of the Tarkov Customs Map "Reshala" is known for being reserved. This means he stays in the background during a battle and sends his guards to the front. Reshala and his troops move in a tight formation over in their patrol area. If you have caught Reshala's attention, he will send some guards forward while he stays behind with bodyguards. You also have to be careful as a Scav, because Reshala fires on players with low Scav karma.
Reshala is equipped for short and medium range combat. He carries either an AK-101 or AK-102. However, in some cases he can also carry a DT MDR, MP-5 or a Saiga shotgun. His guards resort to either an ADAR or an AK variant.
How to defeat Reshala: In the best-case scenario, finish Reshala off with a few well-aimed headshots before he even sees you. Once your position is blown, the guards will want to run you down. Also, always finish off all 5 guards plus Reshala, otherwise they will definitely finish you off. The boss guards always stay close to their leader.
To give you an advantage for the narrow corridors in the Dorms or the Stronghold, you should use grenades. Every time a grenade hits near one of the Reshala guards, they scream or talk! This is how you can spot their position.
There's awesome loot here: The Tarkov Customs map is often referred to as a map, on which there is hardly anything for players to get. However, we say this is nonsense. To prove that, you should research the following loot points:
More about Escape From Tarkov |
What's here? Stashes are buried containers where you can find good loot. You can also find keys here, as you will see later. That's why they are not easy to find and partly hidden in bushes or in almost invisible places. So we have (again) created a map for you.
On Customs, you can find an incredible amount of keys. Some of these keys you can use directly on the spot or need for exits on the eft customs map, others you need for locked entrances on other maps. In total, you can find 21 keys on Customs:
Besides the keys you find, you can of course also use quite a few. These keys you loot then mostly on other maps. However, you will see that you can use many of the keys you found here directly on Customs.