In Hogwarts Legacy, the clock tower is where the duels take place, and you can prove your skills. But further up, you can also find a puzzle that opens 4 doors. We will tell you how to solve the Clock Tower puzzle in our guide.
How to get up to the clock tower: To get up to the clock tower, where you are more often for the duels, you need the Alohomora lock picking spell. Use it to open the door on the left and go up.
Once the door in the clock tower is open, you can go upstairs. On the 1st floor, you will find the pendulum of the big clock that swings back and forth. Behind the pendulum are 4 symbols; this will be important later.
On the left side of the level, you will find a locked door, on which you will find a symbol. Now you have to stop the pendulum of the clock as soon as the pendulum is above the symbol. To do this, use the Arresto Momentum spell to stop time.
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You can find the next door one level higher, just do the same with the pendulum. Next you have to take the stairs to get even higher. In the staircase, you will find a door that leads to a narrow section outside. Here you will find the third door. Note the symbol and go back down. You stop the pendulum again at the right place and the door above opens. The 4th door is on the first floor in the corner, here you need to stop the pendulum when it points over the corresponding symbol on the floor.
These are your rewards: On the ground floor and the second one, you will get one chest each. On the first level, you can open an eye chest and on the upper level a legendary chest is waiting for you. You'll also get the achievement for unlocking a secret of Hogwarts and receive a robe for it.
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