How to Farm Rapier Artifact in New World

Published: Oct. 11, 2023
Updated: Oct. 11, 2023


In the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion for New World, you can get a unique Finisher Rapier if you go to the Elysian Wilds area. In this guide, we will show you how to farm the Rapier Artifact in the New World.

For many players, it was difficult to find a boss spawn location where you can get a Finisher Rapier Artifact for killing one of them. However, we, being true New World fans, couldn’t miss this weapon with good stats and interesting perks. Follow our guide to learn where to find bosses and how to get the Rapier Artifact from them.

New World: How to Get Finisher Rapier Artifact

New World: Finisher Rapier Artifact

To farm the Finisher Rapier Artifact in New World, you will need to farm 4 bosses. The process of killing them is not difficult, as there will be many other players near them who will also deal damage to these bosses. Nevertheless, it is not a fact that you will be lucky enough to get this Artifact right away, so you will need to constantly check the spawn of these bosses to kill them as many times as you need to get the Finisher Rapier. So to get to our goal right away, you have to follow these steps to get the artifact:

  • When exploring the new area of Elysian Wilds, you will have to go to the Shrine of the Lion fast travel point. From there, you'll need to follow the path until you cross a bridge to the Isle of Zurvan and see a cage, which you may have also encountered if you tried to get Lion Mount.
  • Next, you have to pass the aforementioned cage and go down the mountain a bit to get to the bosses' spawn. You shouldn't miss it, as there are usually plenty of other players there, but just to confirm, we've shown the location of the spawn in the screenshot below.

New World: map

  • Now, all you have to do is kill the bosses until the highly desired Finisher Rapier drops. Please note that bosses respawn every 6 minutes, so we recommend setting a timer every five and a half minutes to avoid missing a new appearing of a boss.
  • When you finally see the desired Artifact drop from a boss, you may experience a bug that prevents you from picking it up. If you encounter this issue, try pressing Take All when you are looting bags dropped by bosses. If that doesn't work, you can open your inventory while you're near it and drag the Finisher Rapier to yourself.

That's it. And if you want to read even more, here we have a guide on how to get the Odo Flail in New World, make sure to check it out!

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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