
Raft: Radio Tower Solution - Code Building Plans & Raw Materials

Published: Jul. 18, 2022
Updated: Jul. 18, 2022

German English

In our guide to the survival game Raft we will show you how to reach the radio tower and how to find all the treasures and information. You will have to complete 4 tasks, which we will guide you through step by step.

This is the Radio Tower in Raft and this is how you solve the puzzles

By building the receiver, you have automatically received the coordinates of the Radio Tower. The Radio Tower is your first destination, it is an oil rig where you can loot some stuff.

You should know this beforehand: You will have to climb, jump, balance, fight against a shark and also dive to be able to collect all the loot, of this adventure.

Don't forget to leave enough space in your inventory for new loot. If your inventory gets too full during the adventure, you can always go back to your raft and put your loot there.

These are your tasks:

  • Find the notes and blueprints in the Radio Tower rooms.
  • Unlock the new character "Tala".
  • Find the coordinates for Vasagatan.
  • Kill the shark to be able to collect the rest of the loot.

RAFT: Radio Tower: Level 1

Once you arrive at Radio Tower, anchor your raft to the rig and board the lowest level. Here you will find room B-1, where you will find a note that you can listen to or read. Examine this room as well as the others on this level for loot. You will find loot in each room. When you are done, make your way to room C-1.

RAFT: Radio Tower: Level 2

Cross crates and debris to get to the second level, where you'll find Room C-1. Go inside and you will find a blueprint for a headlight as well as another note hanging on the wall. Also on this level you will find more loot to loot. After you collect everything, look around for the stairs that will take you to the roof of the room, C-1.

Go up the stairs you found, and you will get to the roof of the room. From there, you'll reach a small room that says "Took Boat won't be back" via a beam overgrown with vines.

Near this room there is a staircase, thus overgrown with vines, on which you now jump and go up. At the end of the stairs, you will find yourself next to a wind turbine and an air duct. From there, you'll see an air duct that, like the stairs, has been overgrown with vines, and jump over to it.

Now you should be able to see room D-1. Before you go into it, check the surroundings for loot. Once you have collected everything, go into room D-1, where you will find another note on the counter. Next, leave room D-1 and jump on some crates to get to the top of the Radio Tower.

RAFT: Radio Tower: Top of the Tower

Look around from above the crates, and you will see an easy jumping puzzle that will lead you to the top of the Radio Tower. By reaching room E-1 at the top, you will unlock the character "Tala". In room E-1 you will also find the blueprint for a recycler and a note that says "People?" with an arrow, which tells you the coordinates for Vasagatan, your second destination.

More about Raft

RAFT: Radio Tower: Underwater Level

There is another level where you can find loot that you need. However, this level, with the room A-1, you will find under the water surface. To get there, you have to dive. In order not to be attacked by a shark, you should kill it. Whether from the land or in the water, do it the way that is easiest for you.

Once you have killed the shark, loot it and then go to room A-1, where you will find more loot to collect. Under the level you will also find scrap metal, metal and other loot. You may have to dive down twice and get on your raft in the meantime, in case your inventory or oxygen isn't enough for you to pick up everything.

Once you have farmed everything, you can return to your raft and enter the code for Vasagatan, where you will then set off.

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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