Smalland: How to Find Pyrite & What You Need It For

Published: May. 11, 2023
Updated: May. 12, 2023

German English

Another new feature that came into the game with today's update (May 10, 2023) of Smalland is the resource Pyrite. In this guide, we'll show you where to find it and what you need to be able to mine it.

What this guide is about: In addition to new enemies and new characters, Pyrite is a new resource that has been added to Smalland with the new update. With this resource, you can create a pyrite greatsword and pyrite armor. We will tell you and show you how!

Where You Can Find Pyrite in Smalland

Pyrite is a raw material that you can find on the walls within the ruins around the Historian. It is difficult to get to the ruins without a flying mount, such as the Hornet or the damselfly.

Here you will find the raw material pyrite.

How to Recognize And Mine Pyrite

Pyrite is a slightly golden, shimmering stone that hangs on the stone walls like clay. It can also happen that pyrite hangs too high, forcing you to mine it by jumping. To mine it, you will need at least the metal pickaxe, which you can craft in the forge.

Pyrite on the walls of ruins in Smalland.

How to Craft the New Pyrite Greatsword

A masterfully crafted greats word with magnificent decorations.

Once you have collected pyrite, the recipe for a new weapon will be unlocked: the recipe for the Pyrite Greatsword. You can craft this sword in the forge, which you can create with the construction hammer. For one sword you need these resources:

  • 5x Pyrite
  • 2x Pieces of Cloth
  • 10x Iron Ingots
  • 2x Refined Wood

Once you have these resources together, you can craft the sword, which will have the following stats:

  • Damage type: Blade damage
  • Durability: 500
  • Critical hit chance: 5
  • Stamina consumption: 20
  • Block Power: 1

Find more helpful Smalland guides in our guide overview.

How to Get the Pyrite Armor

The historian can craft your armor from pyrite if you bring him the following resources for each armor piece:

Pyrite Helmet


  • 4x Pyrite
  • 2x Silk Thread
  • 2x Reptile Leather
  • 4x Iron Ingots

  • Cold protection: 5
  • Protection: 8
  • Piercing resistance: + 3
  • Durability: 90

Pyrite Shoulderpiece


  • 5x Pyrite
  • 3x Silk Thread
  • 3x Reptile Leather
  • 5x Iron Ingots

  • Cold protection: 5
  • Protection: 9
  • Piercing resistance: + 3 %
  • Durability: 100

Pyrite Bracers


  • 4x Pyrite
  • 2x Silk Thread
  • 2x Reptile Leather
  • 4x Iron Ingots

  • Cold protection: 5
  • Protection: 8
  • Piercing resistance: + 3
  • Durability: 90

Pyrite Leggings


  • 4x Pyrite
  • 2x Silk Thread
  • 2x Reptile Leather
  • 4x Iron Ingots

  • Cold protection: 5
  • Protection: 8
  • Piercing resistance: + 3
  • Durability: 90
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