The map and compass in The Forest are among the most important and useful items in the entire game. Without them, navigating the island is extremely difficult.
In our guide to The Forest map and compass, you'll learn everything you need to know about the two essential items: where to find them, what you can do with them, and why they're an essential part of your gear.
You can find both the map and the compass in Cave 2 (The Hanging Cave). The entrance to the cave is not difficult to find. However, he is in a large village that spawns tons of mutants that will attack you immediately.
How to get to the cave: There are two different ways to get into the cave. After your first death, you will automatically wake up in the cave and only have to collect the map and compass. But first you have to free yourself, because you wake up hanging upside down in the mutant camp. Cut the rope and look around the cave. You can find a map and compass close by.
If you have the ambition not to let the mutants defeat you, you can also just run into the village and rappel down into the cave. The entrance is in the southeast of the island and is easy to find on the edge of the village by stacked skulls.
Here you will find the map and the compass: The two items are very easy to find. Once you've abseiled into the cave, all you have to do is turn around and walk a few meters into the cave. A map and compass lie on the floor.
Without the two navigation items, a reasonable orientation and exploration of the island is hardly possible. Immediately after collecting your card is still completely white. You must first fill them by moving across the island. All the places you walk past and visit are then entered on the map and can be found there permanently.
You can set markers on your map to quickly find them later using the compass. The cardinal directions on the compass glow in the dark, so you can use it in caves without any problems.
Both the map and the compass are among the most important pieces of equipment and should be collected relatively early in the game.
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