Tower of Fantasy: How to Find all Scenic Point Locations in Navia

Published: Aug. 26, 2022
Updated: Aug. 26, 2022

German English

In the MMORPG Tower of Fantasy you can find special Scenic Points in every region of Aida. These "Scenic Points" are part of an exploration quest and reward you not only with gorgeous views, but also with special resources.

In the Navia region, a total of four Scenic Points are waiting for you to discover them. Each Scenic Point is marked with a glowing icon that looks like an eye. As soon as you interact with the icon, the Scenic Point will be saved in your travel diary.

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Each Scenic Point you find will give you 20 Dark Crystals and 20 Exploration Points for that region. In our guide we have summarized all four Scenic Points in Navia for you and explain how you can get there the fastest.

Tower of Fantasy Scenic Points NAvia

All Scenic Points in Tower of Fantasy: Locations in Navia

#1 Raincaller Island

To find the second Scenic Point in the Navia region, you need to go to the area north of the Banges Omnium Tower. You should have already activated it, so it's best to teleport there and walk north from there. As soon as you reach a rocky cliff, you will also have found the Scenic Points and can overlook Raincaller Island.

Tower of Fantasy Scenic Raincaller Island

Coordinates: 178,1 and 406,1

#2 The Selga

For the fourth Scenic Points in Navia you can start again from the Banges Omnium Tower. Teleport there and walk northwest from there. Follow the direction until you come across a truck. The Scenic Points is waiting for you right next to it.

Tower of Fantasy Scenic Points The Selga

Coordinates: 532,2 and 455,8

#3 Seventh Day Forest

To the north of the space crack from the Seventh Day Forest is the third Scenic Point at the top of a tower. Again, walk north from the space crack until you reach the tower and use your jetpack to get up there.

Tower of Fantasy Scenic Points Seventh Day Forest

Coordinates: 178,1 and 406,1

#4 Cetus Island

The first Scenic Point awaits in a small picturesque hamlet just north of the Seventh Day Forest. Orient yourself to the village's small fort. The Scenic Point is just north of it on a rocky outcrop. From there you have a view over the southeast side of Navia Bay.

Tower of Fantasy Scenic Points Cetus Island

Coordinates: 611,3 a nd 381,6

With this, you've found all the Scenic Points in Navia and secured a total of 80 Dark Crystals and 80 Exploration Points for Navia. Next, the Scenic Points in Crown await you.

More about Tower of Fantasy

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