In the Coop-Vampire-ARPG V Rising you will need cloth at some point. At the beginning of the game, you only need the resource for cloaks, later for more. We'll tell you where to find fabric and how to make it!
To do this, you need Cloth: Cloth is mainly needed in V Rising in the mid-game, once you can craft higher tiers of gear. Cloth also becomes important early in the game when you want to craft a protective cloak.
Finding specific farming spots for Cloth is not that easy. At least not in the starting area. Here you will find Cloth in small quantities in bandit camps, for example in boxes that can be destroyed or chests that you loot. You will also only need a small amount of Cloth at first, as the cloak only requires 2 of them.
Later in the game, you will need Cloth more often, but you can farm them more purposefully. In the Dunley Farmlands, further north on the map, you will mainly find larger farms that also offer you material. Here, too, you will find what you are looking for in crates and chests.
How to get the recipe for cloth: In order to produce Cloth yourself, you must first go hunting. Follow Beatrice the Tailor's blood trail, you will find her in the Dunley Farmlands on one of the farms. Once you have defeated the old lady, you will receive the recipe for the Loom and can use it to produce Cloth.
This is how you make it: To make cloth on the loom now, you have three options:
Notice: You can pick the plant fibre quickly and easily from the forest. The leather, on the other hand, has to be processed from animal skin at the tannery. Thick and pristine leather are too valuable to be used for cloth, so take variant 1 at best.
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