
DayZ: Popular Tropical map "Eden" Vanished from Steam - What Happened?

Published: Jul. 13, 2022
Updated: Jul. 13, 2022

German English

Since yesterday, an explosive topic has been doing the rounds in the DayZ community. Just a few days ago we reported about the new DayZ map Eden, which is no longer available in the workshop. In the following lines we will try to clarify what this might mean.

What happened? The still quite new DayZ Map Eden has disappeared from the workshop on Steam without any announcements. In addition, the official Discord for the map was also simply deleted and can no longer be found. There are no statements from the map developers.


This is the DayZ map Eden from above.

Why the DayZ Map Eden could have disappeared - 3 theses

After a long research, we have found three clues in the big wide Internet, which speak for the offline take, the map. Of course, we also have no contact with the map developers and can therefore only speculate on the basis of the information found and make assumptions.

DayZ Map Eden removed from the Steam Workshop by Valve

In the past, we have often heard about mods that have been removed from the Steam Workshop. Most of the time, the respective mod creators Caristor have spoken up shortly afterwards and explained that they themselves have not removed their mod, of course. At the current time, it seems that at least one other DayZ mod called "Ammo Making" by user Dumpgrah has also disappeared from the Workshop. However, it sounds quite unlikely that this also happened to the Eden map, since the Discord server was also closed and there is no message from the developers.


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The DayZ Map Eden removed by the creator himself

Another possibility is of course that the creator of the map simply removed it himself. This would also be supported by the fact that there are no messages or statements about it and the own Discord server was also closed. Also, it is not only written in the DayZ forum about the fact that said creator has already acted similarly in the past with another map. Nevertheless, the question remains why he should have done that.


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Stolen assets are to blame

We have come across another clue in the forum. According to the forum user Buakaw, the map developers have also used assets or even large parts of the map without owning or acquiring the rights to them. Of course, this is not 100% certain. As of today, this assumption still seems to be the most likely. If it was discovered that the rights to the assets or even the map were not owned by Caristor or the other developers of the map, this could have far-reaching consequences. Maybe this is the reason why there are hardly any traces about the map and the developers on the internet. Deleting the Discord server and fleeing into the anonymity of the Internet could be a tactic to avoid the following consequences.

Yep, just read about it today. It is pretty much 99% confirmed that the map has been uploaded before and is entirely stolen or contains stolen assets which are not allwoed to be used. - Buakaw (via DayZ Forum)

More about DayZ

Why exactly the map can no longer be found in the workshop remains a mystery. If you have any more information, feel free to leave it in the comments. If we find out more, we will of course keep you updated. Until then, check out one of the following articles.

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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