DayZ Update 1.19 - Devs Talk About Livona, Console Mods & More in Stream

Published: Jul. 25, 2022
Updated: Jun. 15, 2023

German English

In a livestream, two DayZ developers from the Sewing Kit chatted and answered questions from the community about the upcoming 1.19 update. This patch is said to be one of the most extensive DayZ has received.

What happened. Two developers from the DayZ development team Bohemia Interactive held a livestream in which they answered questions from fans. The main focus was, of course, on the upcoming update 1.19, about which fans asked many questions:

  • What content will update 1.19 bring?
  • When will the new DayZ update be released?
  • Is the new vehicle engine finally coming (engine = physics, steering, etc.)?
  • Will console players get DayZ mods?
  • Much more!

DayZ Update 1.19 in Q&A - This content awaits us in the new patch

When will the patch be released? The developers have not been able to give a concrete answer to this question. However, it is always difficult to make and implement concrete plans during the summer months due to employee vacations. Up to now, updates in 2022 were released in a rhythm of about 2 months:

  • Update 1.16: February
  • Update 1.17: April
  • Update 1.18: June
  • Update 1.19: August?
  • Update 1.20: October?

Livonia is renewed: The only official map besides Chernarus is called Livonia and hides behind a paywall of 13,99 €. Accordingly, few PC players have grabbed it, and developer Bohemia Interactive has since treated the map like the kid who was supposed to be a lawyer but is now a video game journalist -- badly, that is. But it's already been confirmed that Livonia will get a makeover. Most recently, Livonia got a new castle dedicated to the Yellow King.

Fans are speculating hotly about the underground bunkers and mine shafts hinted at in Update 1.18. The Yellow King has marked the previously closed mine entrances throughout Chernarus and Livonia. Last time, such a teaser resulted in the new castle mentioned above. But even more, is to await Livonia players:

  • New Points of Interests (exciting places to explore).
  • General changes to the map, villages, etc.
  • New survival elements
  • Quote: "major new customizations".

Are bows & arrows coming back? In the stream, a user asked what feature the developers would like to see. To which one of them replied, "Bows, preferably!". He went on to explain that bows are not currently a priority and that the team is currently focusing on larger chunks of content and fixes. But everything is open for the future.


Arrow and Bow won't come back very soon.

New vehicle physics & mods on console

This changes with new vehicle engine: Have you ever driven a driving train in DayZ? Then you probably already know what problems the cars and trucks are currently suffering from: They bounce, lag, and twitch until the mechanic comes. However, these problems can't be fixed -- at least with the current engine! The developers are therefore working on a new physics' engine for the vehicles in DayZ. Originally, this was supposed to be released with the current version 1.18.

But with DayZ Patch 1.19 they are almost sure, the new engine is coming and should fix all the above-mentioned problems like twitching, jerking and bouncing. As a player, however, you'll have to adjust to a new driving experience. The vehicles in DayZ should control "somewhat differently than usual" with the new engine.

More about DayZ

Are mods coming for console? The assumption that mods for DayZ will now also appear on console is not far-fetched. After all, Arma Reforger is also available for the PlayStation and Xbox, and mods exist here as well. Both DayZ and Arma Reforger share the same engine (in basics).  A fan in the livestream chat therefore wondered if there could be mods for DayZ on console.

The disappointing answer is unfortunately no. Already for the console version of Arma Reforger, the team had invested years to get mods working. DayZ, unlike Reforger, is only partially based on the newer Enfusion Engine. Therefore, an undertaking like console mods for DayZ would be even more complex and would eat up far more time and resources.

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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