Diablo 4 has been released and right at the start you have to decide whether you want to start in world level 1 or world level 2. We explain the differences in detail & what you can expect in each level.
What is this about? Directly after the character creation, you have to decide on which world level you want to play Diablo 4. There are four levels in total, but at the beginning you only have the choice between Adventurer and Veteran. In this guide, we will explain the following aspects about world levels:
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I've created my character "Spotted Dwarf" - a hunter with a focus on melee combat - and promptly the first major decision of my stellar Hell career pops up: Which world level do you want to choose?
Honestly, neither of these quite apply to me, and I'm sure it does to some of our readers, so let's clear this up in detail:
World level 1 isn't just for Diablo 4 beginners, and level 2 isn't just for pros. It depends much more on what you expect from Diablo 4. Do you rather want a calm game in which you progress at a good pace and meet hordes of opponents at eye level? Then choose level 1. However, do you want to emerge as an underdog and kick the horns off the demon skulls of the opponents despite being outnumbered and smash a puzzle into the glasses of the deadliest blood priests? Then choose level 2.
At level 2, you'll take longer to beat up enemies, but you'll get compensation for it. This extra reward from world level 2 comes in the form of gold and experience:
Still can't decide? In the following paragraphs we will go into more detail to answer the question of which world level is the most suitable for you.
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To unlock additional world levels, you must have completed the main story of Diablo 4. You also need to have completed the "Cathedral of Light Capstone" mission on the end-game content checklist. Only then will you gain access to the two higher world levels:
We simply claimed above that you get more experience points on world level 2. Sure, that means you level faster, right? Not quite! Yes, you get more experience from individual enemies, but you also kill them much slower.
At world level 1, you can kill a lot more enemies in a certain amount of time than at level 2, so which level you level faster at depends on your skill again! If you already have the hang of Diablo games and know the current class meta, you might slap enemies on world level 2 faster than a beginner on level 1.
Especially in a group of players, we therefore recommend choosing world level 2 to level up faster. As experienced players, you'll be able to coordinate your group to glide rapidly through the early regions of the game and the bellies of your enemies.
On the other hand, if you play alone a lot and are not an absolute pro, you will level up much faster on world level 1 than on level 2. As the level increases, it becomes increasingly difficult for solo players to defeat hordes of enemies and clear dungeons unscathed anyway. That's when you need Top-Loot. And speaking of...
No, loot drops are neither better nor more frequent on world level 2 in Diablo 4. You will only notice a difference when you reach world level 3, from here on there are more rare items. On level 1 as well as on level 2 you get the real big chunks only after level 50, which is why you should level up quickly.
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You have chosen world level 2 despite our warning and are stuck? Don't worry, you can adjust the world level in Diablo 4 at any time and it goes like this:
In groups, always make sure that all players have the same world level selected. If this is not the case, you will not be able to create a group and play together.
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