How to Find and Break the Four Seals in Genshin Impact

Published: Nov. 13, 2023
Updated: Nov. 13, 2023


In the new Search in the Algae Sea quest, you need to solve 4 Orthant's puzzles to break the seals and get to the Tower of Gestalt. The puzzles are straightforward, but this quest is still massive, so since we have already completed it, we will help you with it.

Contents of Guide: In this guide, you will learn how to break 4 seals and complete the Search in the Algae Sea quest in Genshin Impact.

  • Muse's Mother sub-quest Orthant's puzzle solution.
  • Meteoric Lance sub-quest Orthant's puzzle solution.
  • Cupid's Lover sub-quest Orthant's puzzle solution.
  • Thalia and Melpomene sub-quest Orthant's puzzle solution.

Muse's Mother: Find the Seal

To find the first seal, head to the island northwest of Fort Charybdis Ruins.

Genshin Impact: the island northwest of Fort Charybdis Ruins

Following the marker, you'll come across a grate on the floor with a Feather Valve next to it. A little higher up the stairs is the Ball Octopus, which you need to interact with to get the Xenochromatic Ability.

Genshin Impact: the Ball Octopus

After that, go to the Feather Valve and hold down the Elemental Skill button next to it to open the grate. Hold it long enough to jump down because when you release the mechanism, the grid will start closing.

As you continue on your way and defeat a few enemies, you'll come across another closed grate. It works the same way as the previous one, but there are two mechanisms here, so you need to quickly open the two grates to get down before they close.

Muse's Mother: Solve the Orthant's puzzle

As you continue to follow the marker, a small dialogue will begin after which you will need to solve Orthant's puzzle. In it, you need to guide the Energy Flow to the mechanism in the centre of the room.

Genshin Impact: the mechanism in the centre of the room

Go to the opposite side of the room from the entrance and you'll see two Gardemeks that you need to defeat. Behind them is the Energy Flow device, which you need to interact with to feed the energy flow to the mechanism.

Genshin Impact: the mechanism in the centre of the room

Next, find the Octopus Ball in the room and take the Xenochromatic Ability. After that, go to the right side of the room where there is a Feather Valve and a closed door. Hit the blue lantern to make it turn orange. This will allow the Eliphas Beam to rise up.

Genshin Impact: the Eliphas Beam

Then, to raise the beam, interact with the Feather Valve and quickly hit the lantern again until the beam is lowered. The door will open and you can go down in the lift. There you'll need to interact with the Feather Valve again to raise the grate and get into a room with another gadget that will give you an energy flow. There's also an Energy Flow device in the lift, so interact with it, take the lift, and then interact again to get the energy to the central mechanism. After that, climb on the mechanism and interact with the crystal to take the "Memory" piece.

Meteoric Lance: Find the Seal

In search of the second seal, head to Fort Charybdis Ruins where the river flows into the island on the left.

Genshin Impact: Fort Charybdis Ruins

This will take you to a cave and a little further on you'll find a Teleport Waypoint. Moving on, you will find the Riddle Slate and after the conversation, the objective Look for a way forward will appear.

Meteoric Lance: Look for a way forward

Going forward, you will find Gardemek, whom you need to defeat. After that, the beam receivers that were circling around him would stand on the sides of the closed door.

Genshin Impact: Gardemek

Take the abilities of the Bal Octopus nearby and use them to turn it towards the column, which directs the beam by interacting with the small crystals near it.

Genshin Impact: the Bal Octopus

Next, you need to raise the column with the same crystals so that the beam goes to the receiver near the door. Do the same with the left column.

Genshin Impact: the gate

The door will open, so go inside and take the lift down. At the bottom, you'll find a lantern that, when struck, opens one gate but closes the other. Hit it to turn it orange and go into the gap between the gates. After that, choose a ranged character and shoot the lantern to open the next gate.

Meteoric Lance: Solve the Orthant's puzzle

You'll find yourself in a huge room with the same mechanism in the centre to which you need to transfer energy as in the previous puzzle. Go to the left side of the room and see a closed door. Grab the Xenochromatic Ability next to it and use it to lower the columns that prevent the beams from reaching the receivers.

Genshin Impact: the room

When you release them, they will rise again, so lower the left one completely first because it rises more slowly, and then lower the right one. Then quickly go through the door before it closes. There you'll find an energy transfer device and a lift to go down. At the bottom, take the Xenochromatic Ability and interact with the Feather Valve, and hold it so that the gears are in the position as shown in the picture below.

Genshin Impact: the Feather Valve

After that, release the energy, take the lift, and transfer the energy to the central mechanism. Next, you'll see Seelie, and you need to jump down under the mechanism.

Genshin Impact: Seelie

Under the water, you will find a puzzle with Feather Valves. Rotate the one above by 2 quarters and the one below by 2 quarters.

Genshin Impact: a puzzle with Feather Valve

Interact with the device to start the flow of energy and to enter the room where the energy flows, destroy the green orbs on the algae with one shot.

Genshin Impact: underwater world

Then take the lift twice and let the energy flow to the mechanism. When you defeat the two enemies that will appear in front of the mechanism, climb on it and interact with the crystal to get the "Wish" piece.

Cupid's Lover: Find the Seal

Now head to the East Slopes of Mont Automnequi for the next quest.

Genshin Impact: the East Slopes of Mont Automnequi

Enter the cave at the location shown above.

Cupid's Lover: Look for a way forward

When you go further, a conversation will start, after which you can take Nymph`s Constancy. Also, right next to the place where you'll be standing after the cutscene, you can go underwater to activate the Teleport Waypoint.

Genshin Impact: Nymph`s Constancy

When you swim a little further from the Waypoint, you will get Solve the Orthant's puzzle objective.

Genshin Impact: Solve the Orthant's puzzle objective

Cupid's Lover: Solve the Orthant's puzzle

To the left of the entrance there is a Feather Valve that needs to be turned 2 quarters. After that, interact with the device to supply energy. On the other side, there is also a device from which you need to supply energy. After that, go into the passage and find another Energy Flow device with which you have to interact. Next, follow the marker and find the mechanism, as in the previous puzzles.

Go to the device to the south and take the lift down. There you will find a lantern that you must hit and then summon a Fontaine Current and enter the room.

Genshin Impact: underwater world

Inside, near the closed door, you'll find a lantern that you need to hit to turn it blue. After that, you need to hit it again and quickly swim through the passage before the grate closes. You'll be able to get to the device and release the energy.

Genshin Impact: the device

Now, while the energy is flowing, run forward across the room and use the Hydro Bubble to get to the next device.

Genshin Impact: the Hydro Bubble

When the energy reaches it, go upstairs and release the energy into the central mechanism.

Now turn right to another Energy Flow device and go upstairs. There you'll find another device to transfer energy from. Go a little further and find a Special Key on the archway. Then go back to the lower floor and let the energy flow into the mechanism. After that, turn right and use the Hydro Bubble.

Genshin Impact: the Hydro Bubble

Fly forward and a little higher and you'll see a locked gate that can be opened with the Special Key. Behind the gate there is an Energy Flow device with which you need to go down and let the energy flow to the mechanism. After that, you just have to climb the mechanism and take the "Soul" piece.

Thalia and Melpomene: Head to the final Seal

Now you need to go to the Morte Region.

Genshin Impact: the Morte Region

Just swim where the marker indicates and you'll find yourself in an underwater cave. Go further and a cutscene will begin after which you can start the last puzzle.

Thalia and Melpomene: Solve the Orthant's puzzle

Go a little further and you'll immediately find an Energy Flow device that needs to be activated. Follow the path and you'll see another device and several enemies below.

Genshin Impact: an Energy Flow device

Activate the device and follow the energy flow to another device and take the lift. Continuing to follow the energy flow, you will come across a mechanism, like in all previous puzzles.

From the mechanism, swim down and to the left, and you'll see a room with deactivated robots. Go through the passage to the right, and you will find a room with a Feather Valve puzzle. In the room, you need to find and break 2 stones with cracks using the Armoured Crab Aberrant ability. Behind one of them you will find an Energy Flow device and behind the other crystals necessary for the Feather Valve to work. Rotate it 2 quarters and activate the device, after which the energy will flow to the device located above the place where the crystals were lying.

Genshin Impact: the device

Activate this device, follow the energy flow, and get into a room where you need to defeat several robots. After that, go to the old chest of drawers to get the Special Key and go to the next device, which now has an open door. Go upstairs and use the energy. Also, go a little further ahead, and you'll see a door on the left that you can open with the Special Key. Follow the path and get to the mechanism, after which a cutscene will start. Then interact with the crystal on top to get the "Persona" piece. Once you've got it, all you have to do is head to the Tower of Gestalt.

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Artur is our English-speaking writer from Ukraine who covers many topics in the gaming field. From indies to triple-A blockbusters, he is a gamer through and through. He has been supporting our team as a freelancer since the beginning of 2023.
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