
DayZ: All Events & Start Times in 2024 Explained [Walpurgis Night, Halloween & Christmas]

Published: Feb. 06, 2024
Updated: Feb. 06, 2024

German English

DayZ offers you unique events every year, oriented around European and global holidays. In this article, we provide a detailed overview of the events DayZ is offering in 2024, including the specific content and features of each event.

All events at a glance:

When does the next event in DayZ start? (Walpurgis Night)

The specified timer shows the time until the day the event has started in the past.

All start dates for DayZ events in 2024 (based on previous starts)

  • Walpurgis Night: Assumed end of April with a possible start date around April 25th, based on previous events.
  • Easter: Since Easter 2024 is celebrated at the end of March, the event could start around March 20th based on the previous year.
  • Halloween: For the event planned at the end of October, the start could be around October 17th, assuming a two-week lead time.
  • Christmas: With the end of December as the target, the Christmas event could start around December 14th, corresponding to a ten-day lead time.

For comparison: Start dates of DayZ events in 2023

  • Easter 2022: The event started on April 15th, three days before Easter.
  • Walpurgis Night: Began on April 25th, five days before the actual Walpurgis Night.
  • Halloween: The event was launched on October 17th, which corresponds to a fourteen-day lead time.
  • Christmas: On December 14th, the Christmas event began, ten days before Christmas.

All events in DayZ: When they start & what content they include

Disclaimer: The developers have confirmed that the seasonal events will return. However, this list of start dates is not a guarantee that the events will actually start. The developers might cancel events until the actual start. This is unlikely, but not impossible.

Walpurgis Night Event

Walpurgis Night marks the beginning of the event season in DayZ and traditionally takes place at the end of April. In this mystical event, witch brooms, bonfires, and witch cosmetics appear, immersing players in the dark and magical atmosphere of Walpurgis Night. Players can explore the world and transform into witches and wizards to make the night an unforgettable experience.

Content of the Walpurgis Night Event

  • Witch brooms
  • Bonfires
  • Witch cosmetics

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Easter Event

Easter is a special event in DayZ that has only taken place once so far. In 2024, it will be celebrated at the end of March. The highlight of this event was the "Eggs-perimental" capsule, an innovative feature that allowed players to catch zombies like Pokémon. This unique feature made the Easter event an unforgettable experience for players.

Content of the Easter Event

  • "Eggs-perimental" capsule
Easter event features Eggsperimental capsules for catching zombies.

Halloween Event

At the end of October, DayZ transforms into a world full of horror and fright. The Halloween event is known for its creepily glowing mummies, devilish goats, and a variety of event cosmetics that help players get into the Halloween spirit. Players can don spooky costumes during this event and enjoy the gloomy atmosphere.

Content of the Halloween Event:

  • Creepily glowing mummies
  • Devilish goats
  • Event cosmetics

Christmas Event

The Christmas event in DayZ offers a festive atmosphere with music in the cities, large Christmas trees, and gifts with various items. In addition, players can explore a Santa Claus crash site, a creative alternative to the traditional helicrash. This event takes place at the end of December and is a perfect opportunity for players to come together and celebrate the holidays.

Content of the Christmas Event:

  • Music in the cities
  • Large Christmas trees
  • Gifts with various items
  • Santa Claus crash site
christmas trees in dayz
Singing Christmas trees return

These are all the important details about the seasonal in-game events in DayZ. If you have any further questions or comments about the events, please leave us a comment or contact the author directly via Community Discord.

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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