
DayZ: Christmas Event 2023 Starts Today - All Content & Start Time

Published: Dec. 14, 2023
Updated: Feb. 06, 2024

German English

In 2023, DayZ is getting a Christmas event that starts today, bringing the holiday spirit to Chernarus and Livonia. We'll tell you what content the DayZ Christmas event brings and when it starts.

Overview of the Christmas Event:

  • The DayZ Christmas event starts on December 14, 2023, and ends on January 9, 2024.
  • There is a Christmas sleigh crash site once again.
  • Singing Christmas trees make their return.
  • Christmas-themed items such as candy and clothing.
  • Surprise content.

DayZ Christmas Event Has Started: Here Are the Event Contents

Like the many other events in DayZ, the Christmas Event comes around, bringing holiday cheer to the otherwise violent Chernarus and Livonia. This year, you can search for gifts as usual, scattered all over the land. You'll find them most frequently under the Christmas trees, which are located in every major city.

1. Sleigh Crash Brings New Items to Chernarus

Unfortunately, Santa Claus was not immune to the DayZ zombie virus. So the infected Santa Claus crashed with his sleigh and is now wreaking havoc in the land. You can also get many gifts and excellent loot from the sleigh. The crash is marked by a glowing blue column, not smoke. Just before the crash, you'll hear a Christmas melody.
Around the sleigh crash, you'll find the infected Santa Claus. He doesn't have any special abilities, but does grunt "ho ho ho" when he notices you.


The sleigh crashes and spawns some infected Santa Clauses

2. Singing Christmas Trees Bring Festive Atmosphere

In 2023, the singing Christmas trees return to DayZ as well. However, last year, this music was considered too intrusive by many players and drowned out footsteps and shots, according to some. For these reasons, the developers have toned down the Christmas music at the trees. This year, there are already complaints about noise pollution, as seen in the DayZ forum.

christmas trees in dayz

Singing Christmas trees make a return

All Christmas-Themed Items in the DayZ Event 2023

  • Christmas Wool Gloves
  • Christmas Headbands
  • Various candies as food
  • Morozko Hat (inspired by the Slavic Santa Claus, St. Nick)
More about DayZ

Community Reacts to the Event - "No White Christmas?"

Some fans asked if there would be snow in this year's christmas event. Unfortunately, this question has to be answered in the negative because DayZ is not getting a winter Chernarus - at least not on consoles. On PC, you can indeed celebrate a white Christmas with mods. Simply enter the search term "Winter Chernarus" or "Winter Livonia" in the mod launcher DZSA, and you'll find a whole bunch of community servers, some of which may even have the deadly delicious gingerbread zombies.

Unfortunately, for console players, autumn remains in Chernarus, and summer remains in Livonia. Other seasons in DayZ do not bring a Christmas event or Christmas trees.

All DayZ Events:

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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