Diablo Immortal: Challenge Rifts Guide - Rewards and tips at a glance

Published: Jul. 03, 2022
Updated: Dec. 08, 2023

German English

The so-called "Challenge Rifts" are one of the central endgame features of Diablo Immortal and offer fans a special challenge. An increasing level of difficulty and a leaderboard with exclusive rewards are particularly attractive to those players who want to compete with the community solo or in co-op mode, In this guide we explain what the Challenge Rifts are all about.

Challenge Rifts in Diablo Immortal - What is it actually?

What are Challenge Rifts? The Challenge Rifts in Diablo Immortal are roughly comparable to the so-called Greater Rifts (also known as Grifs or Great Nephalem Portals) from Diablo 3. You can tackle them alone or in a group of up to four players. Specifically, it is now about defeating the opponents within the rift as quickly as possible so that a rift boss appears. If you beat him in battle, there is a reward and possibly a place on the leaderboard (more on that later).

There are a total of 100 Challenge Rift levels in Diablo Immortal. Once you complete a level, you unlock a higher level. If you are in a group, you and your friends can tackle the highest level that a member of the group has reached so far. However, it is otherwise not possible to skip individual levels.

With each level, the opponent's offensive and defensive rating increases, but this does not scale with the character level of the player, but always remains the same. Each Challenge Rift is randomly generated from a selection of different zones, layouts, and enemy types.

What is the progress bar doing on Challenge Rifts? When you enter a Challenge Rift in Diablo Immortal, a progress bar will appear. This bar fills up as you kill enemies or collect special orbs that drop from slain enemies. Once the bar is filled, a random Rift Guardian will appear as the final boss.

To successfully complete a Challenge Rift and receive a reward, you must fill the progress bar and defeat the Rift Guardian within ten minutes. At the end of a rift there is the loot - however, the opponents do not drop any loot during a rift.

How to Unlock the Challenge Rifts: In order to access the Challenge Rifts in Diablo Immortal, you basically just have to play the campaign and complete the first two story areas. Once you reach the Westmarch area, you'll gain access to a tutorial that will walk you through the basics. After that, you can activate the Challenge Rifts via an obelisk in the palace courtyard.

Mastering Challenge Rifts - Important tips for beginners

What's with the pylons in the Challenge Rifts? As in Diablo 3, there are also the so-called pylons in the Challenge Rifts of Diablo Immortal. These are shrines that can appear randomly at fixed spawn points within the Rifts. Once you've reached a certain amount of progress in a rift, a pylon will appear granting you one of the following buffs:

  • Conduit: Your character shoots out bolts of lightning that damage enemies around you. This pylon is currently heavily OP and should definitely be used when fighting the Rift Guardian.
  • Empowered: Your character's cooldown times are significantly reduced, attack speed increased.
  • Fleet-Footed: Your character's movement speed is increased.
  • Frenzied: Your character's critical hit chance is significantly increased.
  • Alchemical: Your attacks freeze enemies.

What else is there to watch out for in the Challenge Rifts? If you want to successfully complete a Challenge Rift, you should always keep your own offensive and defensive ratings and those of the monsters in mind. As soon as the monster's rating is higher than the player's, the game will inform you with a red warning.

In general, you shouldn't have a problem completing the Rift if your rating is less than 300 points below the monster's rating. However, if the conditions of a rift become too difficult, you can - apart from improving your equipment - also do so-called "fishing". This means you restart a riff until it meets certain conditions, including:

  • The Rift does not contain narrow caves that limit your mobility.
  • The Rift's affixes play into the hands of your class' strengths (avoid affixes you can't counter with your class's abilities).
  • The monster type suits your class. Above all, avoid opponents who attack with ranged attacks.
  • Rift guards spawn as few additional enemies as possible, because some classes with such add-ons occasionally have problems and cannot keep to the time limit.
More about Diablo Immortal

Challenge Rifts in Diablo Immortal - Worthwhile challenge not only for hardcore fans

Why are Challenge Rifts worth it? Although you can't level your character via Challenge Rifts because you don't gain any experience points for this activity, you should still tackle it regularly. This is for the following reasons:

  • The Challenge Rifts are a fun challenge and motivate especially in the endgame because of the comparison with other players.
  • The rewards for the Rifts include various rare crafting materials that you can use to upgrade your gear.
  • The multiplayer mode of the Challenge Rifts is particularly worthwhile because there are, among other things, the coveted Engimatic Crystals as loot, which you can use to upgrade your secondary equipment.
  • You can let stronger players carry you in multiplayer mode.

What exactly is the Challenge Rifts leaderboard all about? The developers are based on the structure of the leaderboard on Diablo 3. Accordingly, there is a leaderboard for soloists per class and for groups of 2, 3 and 4 people.

The Solo Leaderboard ranks the top 1,000 solo characters, with only the highest clear per player appearing. Each player can only be represented once in the leaderboard. The Solo Leaderboard reset occurs once a week and the best players will then receive their rewards via in-game mail.

The multiplayer leaderboard includes the top ten teams of 2, 3 and 4 players. Players who are active on several different teams can appear in a leaderboard multiple times, but will only be rewarded once for their best placement in the overall rankings. The reset for these leaderboards always takes place on the first of the month.

Overall, the Challenge Rifts in Diablo Immortal are aimed primarily at players who are looking for a challenge in the endgame. If you would like to compete with other fans or are simply looking for alternative ways to farm special loot, you have come to the right place.

Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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