If you are a stray cat in Stray, you can not only find your way back home, but also discover lots of small and big extras. These include sheet music, notes, and energy drinks, as well as the memories of your robo-helper B-12.
What's it about: These memories are scattered all over the game world of Stray and contain a lot of background information about the story of the adventure. So if you want to know where you can find the seven different memories of the slums, then read on now.
But beware: You can visit the slums several times during the story, but as soon as you have completed the quest series about Seamus' father Doc and his special weapon, there is no possibility to enter the slums again. So you should collect the memories at the latest when you have repaired the tracking device.
You don't have to look for a memory of B-12 for a long time: The merchant on the lowest level of the slums will sell it to you in exchange for four cans of energy drink. We'll tell you where you can find the cans of energy drink in a separate guide.
Directly opposite the place where the merchant offers you his goods for sale, climb up to the roof. To do this, you can walk past the building on the right opposite the merchant and climb up the wall. Look for a robot hanging around behind a sign with an arrow. There you will find the reminder.
If you visit the bar on the lower level of the slums (run back down the stairs from where the guard is and keep left), you can discover another reminder on the upper floor. Keep left and run up the stairs, where the reminder is on the right on a set table.
When you visit Momo's apartment in the course of the story, you will find a large painting on the wall in his bedroom opposite the bed. This is also a memento that you can collect.
Also on the lowest level of the slums, you will meet the musician Morusque, to whom you can bring the sheet music found everywhere in the game. Jump on the trash cans to the left of Morusque and from there continue upwards to a graffiti - the next reminder of B-12.
You can find another reminder in Elliot's apartment. Here there is a large potted plant on the wall by a chair where you can collect the reminder.
The last reminder is also to be discovered on the lower level of the slums right next to the drink vending machine, which you can relieve of an important energy drink. The vending machine is located at the end of the street that runs along in front of Kosma's laundry (above which two robots toss each other individual pots of paint).