In Diablo Immortal, your success depends heavily on your equipment. The further you progress in the game, the more you can benefit from extracting the essence of a legendary item. You can find out how the essence transfer works here.
Here's what it's about: Diablo Immortal has normal (white), magic (blue), rare (yellow), and legendary (orange) gear. The legendary items are the most powerful. Each legendary item comes with a unique attribute or ability called an essence.
Now, when you find a powerful legendary item, the essence may not match your class or build. Another item might have good essence but not good stats. This is where extracting the essence comes into play. Namely, you can transfer the essence of weapon A to weapon B.
In order to be able to transfer an Essence from one item to another, you must unlock the Essence Transfer feature. All you have to do is collect two legendary items of the same type, such as two legendary helmets. Once you have the two items, you must visit the NPC Zamina in Westmark. There you can then use the essence transfer. Once the essence is extracted, the item will be destroyed.
Good to know: You don't need to worry about missing this feature. Once you're able to use Essence Transfer, you'll receive a matching Guide Quest that will walk you through everything.
If the transfer does not work for you, it may be because your items are not in your inventory but in your warehouse. After extracting the essence, you can transfer it multiple times to other legendary items of the same type.
Bequeathing essences do not cost gold and can be done multiple times. The new item will appear in your inventory with a small flame icon in the top right corner.
Caution: think carefully about whether you really want to carry out the essence transfer. Once extracted, the item is destroyed forever. Also, you can no longer further extract a legendary item that contains an extracted essence. The essence of the item will be overwritten with the new essence.
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