In the ARPG MMO Lost Ark, you can find various collectibles and secrets in each area. These are especially important for unlocking area rewards. We'll show you where to find all the Mokoko Seeds in Ozhorn Hill and Sapira Cave.
In Lost Ark you can discover some objects, secrets and special places. Strong monsters and bosses are also hidden in many areas. Finding these things is rewarded with area advancement, which in turn gives you great rewards.
You can find all of this: In the second Level of Yudia, the Ozhorn Hill, you will find:
You have to pay attention to this: In Ozhorn Hill, too, there aren't any special features to look out for in order to get all the Mokoko seeds. Only in order to reach the treasure, you have to play the “Song of Temptation” at the indicated place. You will receive this song as soon as you have explored 80% of Yudia.
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I played the song as it says: "Only in order to reach the treasure, you have to play the "Song of Temptation" at the indicated place." But nothing happened. Do I still need a quest or a secret treasure map or something and if so where do I get that?
Yeah sorry, you also need the treasure map. Not sure where you get that particular one yet.