
Tarkov Streamer Visits Map Shoreline in Real Life: The Original is Amazing

Published: Jan. 12, 2022
Updated: Jan. 12, 2022

German English

The Twitch streamer and YouTuber for Escape From Tarkov BakeeZy flew to Russia to look for the real template for the Tarkov map Shoreline. What he comes across is simply awesome!

Who is the streamer? The streamer and YouTuber BakeeZy (64,000 subscriptions) is best known for his translation work for the events in Escape From Tarkov. He posted the English version of the Cyrillic text on the developers' screenshots on Twitter. Since then, his Twitch and YouTube channel has been growing (via youtube.com).

Now he is using the time to fly to Tarkov. At least in the St. Petersburg template, where he not only finds the real location, but also former residents of the "resort" who talk about life there. He also finds:

  • Resort
  • port
  • Plaza
  • channel
  • The village
  • much more

The template for the Tarkov Map Shoreline is so outrageously detailed

Where is Shoreline in real life? As already mentioned at the beginning, the real location of Shoreline is near St. Petersburg, one of the largest cities in Russia on the Baltic Sea.

For a long time, BakeeZy had thought that Shoreline was just too organic. Other Tarkov maps were clearly created on the developers' drawing board, but Shoreline seems too real, too natural, too random.

The streamer should be right: Yes, Shoreline is a real location and not only that, the buildings - especially the resort - are almost one-to-one in Escape From Tarkov.Tarkov Map Shoreline


This is how game and reality differ: A big difference, however, is the position of the old rehab clinic. While in Tarkov it is on a hill in the middle of the map, in the real world it is on the edge of the channel that flows "south" into the sea. In real life, the map is upside down, the sea crashes onto the Shoreline in the north Coast, not in the south.

In addition, the developer Battlestate Games decided to compress the map a little to save a lot of idle time. Places like the docks and the river to the east are far closer to the central resort than they are in real.

Other differences between Tarkov and Real Life:

  • In Real Life, there is a lake in the middle of the reservoirs
  • The canal is actually much smaller
  • In the west, there is really not just a village, but the city of St. Petersburg.
  • In reality, there is no road that runs directly along the coast
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Former inhabitant to the "Resort" and Tarkov references in St. Petersburg

The streamer thinks: Shortly after BakeeZy enters the abandoned resort building, it becomes clear: He's not the first to discover that this is the shoreline template. Others before him wrote scav exclamations on doors and walls in Cyrillic. On a door is written: "Where's the sanitary?", A boss from Tarkov.

In a cupboard, the streamer even finds an AI-2 first aid kit and an accurate Russian military bandage, both of which are also available in Escape From Tarkov. Amazing but true, there is even a bulletproof military vest in one of the rooms.

The resort used to have this purpose: Streamer BakeeZy meets a former resident of the complex. He lived here many years ago and explains that the clinic specialized in stomach ailments. Patients with motor problems also came here, to St. Petersburg.

The resort was also highly regarded as it had a yacht club, soccer fields, and parks. Health days were introduced for the patients, on which they could, among other things, fly with a glider.


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Don't miss this fact: Probably the craziest thing about Shoreline is that Russian President Vladimir Putin lived here. But that doesn't help the site. The entire resort building is to be demolished shortly. A company bought the old clinic premises and would like to convert it into something is not known.

The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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