
ARK: Survival Evolved: Metal Guide - How to Find and Farm Metal

Published: Jul. 10, 2022
Updated: Mar. 25, 2023

German English

Metal is an important resource in ARK: Survival Evolved as it is needed to craft other resources or items. In our metal guide, we show you where to find metal and how to farm it most effectively.

If you play ARK: Survival Evolved, you will have noticed how often you need metal bars just for the different saddles. Of course, metal is also used to craft other items or resources, so knowing where to find it and how to farm it most effectively is important. At the end of our guide, we will show you what and how you can make something from this precious resource.

This is what awaits you in our guide:

  • Where to find metal, including maps.
  • How and with what you farm metal.
  • What you can make out of metal.

This is where you can find metal in ARK

In general, you can extract metal from many types of rock, but the yield varies among these. Most of the metal is obtained directly from metal stones, these look smooth and a bit golden compared to ordinary stones.

However, it will not be easy to get to them, since the metal stones, or stones with a large amount of metal, are often found in areas that are difficult to access, or in areas that you can only get to with the help of tamed dinosaurs.

Among them are:

  • mountain peak
  • caves
  • rivers
  • bays
  • deep springs of water

In Aberration, the rocks that provide the most metal are the gold metal rocks or the blue-black (Luminous Region) rocks.

Metal Occurrences on The Island

On The Island you can find metal rocks and metal stones in the following regions:

  • Whitesky Peak
  • Winter's Mouth
  • Frozen Fang
  • Red Peak
  • Caverns of Lost Faith
  • Wilderness (Herbivore Island)
  • Grandhills, Vulkan
  • Frozen Tooth
  • Caverns of Lost Hope
  • Far's Peak
  • Southern Islets
  • The Eastern Plains

Metal Occurrence on Aberration

There is a significantly higher occurrence of metal in Aberration. The following regions have the most:

  • The Surface Southwest
  • Elemental Vault-Caverns
  • Halls of the Reaper Queen
  • The lost Roads
  • The Spine
  • Crystalline Swamps
  • Luminous Marshlands
  • The Surface Northwest
  • Elemental Vault-Ledges
  • Halls of the Reaper
  • Hope's End
  • Element Falls
  • The Overlook
  • The Surface Northeast

Metal Occurrences on Scorched Earth

On Scorched Earth, you will find the most metal in the following areas:

  • Northern Mountains
  • Northern East Badlands
  • Southern Mountains
  • Western Mountains
  • Old Tunnels
  • Eastern Badlands
  • Southern East Canyons
  • Southern High Desert
  • Southern West Mountains
  • Northern West Mountains

Metal deposits on Extinction

Throughout Extinction, you will repeatedly come across metal stones or rocks.

Metal deposits in Genesis: Part 1

In Genesis: Part 1 you can find metal in the following regions:

  • Volcano
  • Swamp
  • Open Water


Metal deposits in Genesis: Part 2

On the Genesis: Part 2 map, you can find metal in the following regions:

  • In the Corrupted Gardens
  • Boros Sector
  • Pale Peak
  • Roaring Rock
  • Whaletale Lake
  • Calamity Vale
  • Spireblade Ridge
  • Skyreah Summit
  • Norfall River
  • Grimfall River

Metal deposits at The Center

In The Center, you will find the most metal deposits in the following regions:

  • Lava Cave
  • Snowy Mountain North
  • The Center, Florating Island
  • Jungle (north, mid, south)
  • Lava Biom High
  • Snowy Mountain South
  • Tropical Island North

Metal deposits on Ragnarok

Metal stones and rocks can be found everywhere on Ragnarok. However, it is less present in the Deathsands.

Metal deposits at Valguero

On Valguero, you can find most of the metal in the following places:

  • Boreal Forest
  • Tundra
  • Highmountain
  • Snow Mountains
  • Snow Desert
  • Felsblock Plateau

Metal deposits on Crystal Isles

Here's where to find the metal on the Crystal Isles:

  • Copper Peaks
  • Tundrafalls
  • The White Shoals

Metal deposits on Lost Island

Here's where you'll find most of the metal on Lost Island:

  • Tuskgor Mountains
  • Valley of the Sun
  • Mount Bin Da
  • Gloom Rock
  • Zaunaloa Trench
  • Claw of Kortez
  • Hildan Crest
  • Tuskgor Flats
  • Liontale Beach
  • Gloomy Crest
  • Gloom Point
  • Boskar Bog
  • Mount Shoola
  • The Twisted Wine

This is how you get to those hard-to-reach places

As mentioned above, many metal deposits are difficult to access, as some are on mountain tops or underwater. You can of course do this alone with the appropriate armor, but it's often easier to rely on a flying creature and a water creature to get you to those places quickly and safely. In our taming guides, for example, the Griffin or the Plesiosaurus, we have already written instructions for taming and breeding such creatures. You can easily find them on Guided using our search function.

With this, you effectively farm metal in ARK

To farm the metal on your own, simply use a pickaxe, metal pickaxe, or mining drill that you craft for it. Make a few more tools to be on the safe side, since the pickaxes in particular break quickly when mining.

Craft Pickaxe: In order to craft a pickaxe in your inventory, you need level 1 and 0 engram points, as well as the following:

  • 1x stone
  • 1x wood
  • 10x thatch

Crafting takes 5 seconds.

Craft a Metal Pickaxe: For a Metal Pickaxe, you need level 20 and 6 engram points, as well as the following resources:

  • 1x metal ingot
  • 1x wood
  • 10x hide

You can craft the metal pickaxe in a forge.

Craft Mining Drill: When you are in Genesis: Part 1, you can also craft the Mining Drill with the following resources at level 80 and 35 engram points:

You can craft the Mining Drill in the Fabricator or TEK Replicator in 15 seconds. You need gasoline to run it.

Of course, you can also farm metal with a tamed dinosaur. The Ankylosaurus with its club is best suited for stone and metal farming. His club can easily crush the hard rock, and you don't have to waste resources on items.

The stones and rocks you farmed metal from will respawn approximately 1 hour after they are destroyed.

For this, you need metal in ARK

When smelted in a Refining Machine, Industrial Machine, Magmasaurus, or Phoenix, the Metal Stone becomes a Metal Ingot.

2x Metal Rock = 1x Metal Ingot

Metal bars are necessary for the production of all items, for example, saddles or platform saddles.

However, you can also produce items directly from metal stones:

    • Alarm clock
    • ARK Anniversary Surprise Cake
    • Dodo farming equipment
    • feeding trough
    • Ichthyosaurus saddle
    • metal ingot
    • Toilet
    • wooden table
  • ammo box
  • compass
  • Halo Headband Skin
  • Heart-Shaped Shield Skin
  • Love Schackle's Skin
  • navigation kit
  • trip wire, alarm trap

Looking for more helpful guides on ARK: Survival Evolved? Then take a look at our ARK guide overview, where you will find more of our dinosaur, crafting, resource, and technology guides. You can also chat with us and other players on our Discord server. We're looking forward to seeing you!

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Sascha Asendorf is the co-founder of Guided.news and has been running online magazines in the gaming sector since 2013. Starting with a strong focus on survival games, Sascha now deals a lot with role-playing games and is an expert on survival and RPG titles like Conan Exiles, Baldurs Gate 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
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