Elden Ring: Powerful Bleed Build with Massive Damage

Published: Dec. 12, 2022
Updated: Dec. 26, 2022

German English

Bleed builds were, are, and will probably remain very popular in Elden Ring for a long time, because they are super strong in PVP as well as in PVE. Today, we're going to introduce you to a bleed build that can knock out most enemies in a matter of seconds.

Short attack animations with high attack speed and still high damage, that's what makes a strong build. In our Bleed Build, you perform up to six attacks within a single jump attack, which, combined with the right equipment, will defeat any enemy in a few blinks of an eye.

Super Strong Bleed Build in Elden Ring

Our build is suitable for all players. So you can play it even if you haven't started New Game Plus yet. Many strong bleed builds require you to carry two of the same weapons. However, since these weapons are only found once in the entire game, you must have played through Elden Ring at least once to be able to replay these builds. However, you can already rebuild our build in your first playthrough. You will need the following items:

#1 Weapons: Occult Bandit Curved Swords

Also in this guide you need the same weapon twice. But you can farm them easily and quickly by traveling to the Grace Pilgrim Church again and again and fighting the skeletons behind the church. These drop the blades with a little luck. The higher you level up the weapons with smithing stones afterward, the better.

#2 Head: White Mask

As in pretty much every bleed build, you require the White Mask for our build. This increases your damage by 10 percent whenever a bleed effect is triggered near you. To get the White Mask, you need to defeat three Invaders in the Mohgwyn Palace area. These will appear at the locations marked below in the Blood Pond. Once you defeat all three invaders, the last one will drop the White Mask.

Elden Ring white Mask

Note: If you defeat the boss in this area before getting White Mask, the three invaders will disappear and you will not have a chance to get the mask again, or not until New Game Plus.

#3 Armor: Raptors Black Feathers

The Raptors Black Feathers Armor is also an important part of this build, because the armor boosts your jump attacks by another 15 percent. You can get it in the "Wise Man's Cave", which is located in the west of Altus Plateus.

Elden Ring Höhle des Weisen

#4 Talismans

For maximum damage, you should have the following talismans equipped:

  • Claw Talisman - once again improves your jumping attacks
  • Green Turtle talisman - increases your stamina regeneration
  • Lord of Blood's Exultation - increases your damage in case of nearby blood loss
  • Rotting Winged Sword Insignia - significantly improves your attack series

Tip from our author: "Find all legendary talismans in Elden Ring with our guide!"

#5 Ash of War

You must use the Seppuku War Ash on both Bandit Curved Swords. In order to do this, you must have your War Ash duplicated by Hewg in the Round Table Hold.

Elden Ring seppuku

Note: Now comes the most important step for this build: The affinity of the ash of war must not be set to blood. The correct affinity is "occult." This will increase the amount of bleeding damage done tremendously once again.

This is How the Elden Ring Bleed Build Works

Once you have all the items together, you're ready to go. To help you understand how exactly the high damage comes about, we'll explain in detail how the build works. The trick is the high attack speed. This allows you to hit up to six times during a single jump attack, which counts as a series of attacks (and a jump attack at that). By combining the bonuses of your talismans and your other equipment, this stacks up the damage to dizzying heights.

In addition, you always have a guaranteed bleed effect due to your Steppuku ash of war, which means your White Mask and your Lord of Blood's Exultation talisman provide even more damage. In terms of your attributes, you need to make sure you put enough points into Arcane Energy, 80 at best.

That was our bleed build for Elden Ring, which should prepare you for the new Colloseum DLC. Do you have any other builds or maybe even stronger ones? Then let us know! Do you want to join our community and discuss Elden Ring? Then join our Discord server or visit us on Facebook. We are looking forward to you!

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
Markus has been part of our Guided.news team since June 2022 and writes about many topics as a dedicated gamer. But he is especially fond of Path of Exile and other ARPGs.
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