
Escape From Tarkov: Lighthouse Map Guide 2024 – Exits, Loot, Keys & Stashes

Published: Jan. 04, 2023
Updated: Apr. 26, 2024

German English

In Escape from Tarkov, the Lighthouse map is the latest addition in 2024. Along with a wealth of good loot locations, the faction of "Rogues" was also introduced with it. This guide will show you how to best deal with the aforementioned Rogues and provide all other information on spawns, exits, loot spots, and keys.

TLDR-Guide for the Lighthouse map:

  • There's a special train exit and other exits that either require payment or specific equipment.
  • A raid on the Lighthouse map lasts a maximum of 40 minutes with up to 12 PMC players.
  • The map contains mined areas, and the water treatment plant is a dangerous area with Rogue enemies.
  • Key landmarks include the Lighthouse island, the chalets, the village, and the main road.
  • Stashes offer a wide range of loot, and special keys are required for locked areas.
  • Since update 12.12.30, the island around the lighthouse is accessible

Spawns, Exits, and Landmarks on the Tarkov Map Lighthouse in 2024

All Spawn Points on the Lighthouse Map

Like all other maps in Escape from Tarkov, Lighthouse has different spawn points. There are a total of 12 points where your raid can begin on the Tarkov map Lighthouse. With a maximum player count of 12, you can expect to encounter an enemy player at every spawn point in many raids.

  • South Beach: 4 spawns
  • Side Tunnel: 1 spawn
  • Southern Road: 1 spawn
  • Crashed Helicopter: 1 spawn
  • Main Road: 1 spawn
  • Village: 2 spawns
all spawns for players on the map lighthouse
All known spawns on Lighthouse.

All Exits on the Lighthouse Map

The Lighthouse map features almost all known types of exits. The armored train arrives between 16 and 10 minutes before the end of the raid; you recognize its arrival by the double horn sounding. It stays at the station for about 7 minutes and horns again about a minute before departure. The Mountain Pass can be used by anyone without armor in possession of a Red Rebel Pickaxe and a Paracord. To use the Side Tunnel exit, you need a friendly Scav, and for the Road to Military Base, you should always have 5,000 Rubles on hand.

Exits usable by PMCs and Scavs:

  • Armored Train: Train arrives towards the end of the raid time
  • Side Tunnel: PMC and Scav must exit together
  • Path to Shoreline

PMC Exits on the Lighthouse Map

  • Mountain Pass: Red Rebel + Paracord
  • Northern Checkpoint
  • Road to Military Base V-Ex: 5,000 Rubles
  • Southern Road

Scav Exits on the Lighthouse Map:

  • Hideout under the Landing Stage
  • Industrial Zone Gates
  • Scav Hideout under Grotto
  • Southern Road Landslide
all exits for players on the map lighthouse
Here you can find all exits for the EFT map Lighthouse.

Landmarks on the Lighthouse Map

To navigate Lighthouse, there are several distinctive points. From the southernmost point up to the north, the main road stretches across the entire map. West of the main road is the beach and the bridge to the lighthouse island. To the east, you find a small mountain with two large holiday homes. Further to the northeast, there's a small village, and north of that, the water treatment plant and the station.

  • The Lighthouse island
  • The Chalets in the east
  • The Village
  • The Water Treatment Plant
  • The Station
  • The Main Road from south to north

Fun Fact: The lighthouse on this map is based on the real Aniva lighthouse off the coast of Sakhalin in Russia. For the Shoreline map as well, the developers used a real location for the Resort.

Scavs, Raiders, Rogues, and Bosses on Lighthouse

Bears beware: Scavs are located near almost every important point, but often later in the raid. There are also several Scavs along the main road. The water treatment plant area is particularly dangerous, where you find the more dangerous variant of Scavs, the so-called Rogues. BEAR players should be especially wary of them, as the Rogues only target them. Rogues are equipped with heavy machine guns and grenade launchers. One of the reasons to carefully consider your faction choice.

Normal Scavs can spawn again on the Lighthouse island, and in rare cases, Raiders as well. As USEC, you will not be immediately attacked by the Rogues if you enter the water treatment plant, but after a few warnings, they will also open fire. If you have fought against them, you will be marked as "enemy" for some raids and immediately attacked if you are within range.

All Boss Locations on the Map

There are four bosses on the Lighthouse map. The newest of them was introduced with the unlocking of the peninsula and is called "Zryachiy."

  • Knight: Water Treatment Plant
  • Big Pipe: Water Treatment Plant
  • Birdeye: Water Treatment Plant
  • Zryachiy: Lighthouse Peninsula

The bosses you can encounter on the Lighthouse map are the "Goon-Squad." However, they are not always on Lighthouse; they can also roam on various other maps like Customs, Shoreline, or Woods. On Lighthouse, they are either in the area of the water treatment plant or at the Chalet. The best ways to encounter them are not yet fully known and will be recorded in an additional guide, which we will then link in all affected map guides.

Scav locations and sniper on the lighthouse map
This map shows where you can expect Scavs and Rogues on Lighthouse.

The Best Loot and All Hidden Stashes on Lighthouse

The Tarkov map Lighthouse offers many

good loot locations. Besides the new area around the lighthouse, there was already much to collect before the last patch. You should definitely visit the following spots.

  1. The island, on which the lighthouse stands. The new area includes about 5 buildings and 2 garages, as well as a lot of loot lying around.
  2. The holiday homes, which not only look luxurious but also house a tremendous amount of loot.
  3. The village with the "Gaming PC" house. The buildings in the village all offer good loot, but the red house with the gaming PC on the first floor is known to almost everyone. Shortly after the map's release, all players flocked to this house in search of graphics cards.
  4. The water treatment plant provides all sorts of loot, especially weapons and in the new indoor areas, medical loot (but beware of the Rogues).

All Hidden Stash Locations on the EFT Map Lighthouse

In these small hideouts, you can find almost every item in the game. Thus, every stash you loot brings the possibility of making a really big catch. Not only as a PMC can you increase your loot, but as a Scav, you often still have the chance to take some very sought-after items out of the raid. On the following map of the Escape From Tarkov map Lighthouse from 2024, we have marked all stashes.

stashes marked on a 2d map.
There's no better map for stashes on Lighthouse! (Source: TarkovWiki)

Everything About the Keys You Can Use on Lighthouse

Of course, Lighthouse also has some locked doors. We will list below which keys you need to open all locks you find. (Beware, keys to areas from patch 12.12.30 are not all known yet.)

Usable Keys on Lighthouse:

  • Convenience Store Storage
  • Hillside House
  • Merin Car Trunk
  • Police Truck Cabin
  • Rogue USEC Stash
  • Rogue USEC Workshop
  • USEC First Safe
  • USEC Second Safe
  • Shared Bedroom Marked
  • Water Treatment Plant Storage Room
  • Radar Station Commandant Room
  • Conference Room
  • Operating Room
  • Rogue USEC Barrack

More Escape From Tarkov Map Guides

Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
The interest in digging deep into the gaming industry stems from the DayZ Mod for Arma 2 in 2012. Kevin started working in the gaming industry in 2016. First as a trainee at Survivethis, the biggest German Survival-Games-Site at that time. Only half a year later, he got accepted at Gamestar and later MeinMMO. Now, on Guided.news he implements all his Knowledge to deliver comprehensive news, guides, interviews and more unique topics.
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