
Enshrouded: All Resources and Their Location

Published: Feb. 19, 2024
Updated: Sep. 30, 2024

German English

As befits a good survival game, crafting items and structures will take a significant amount of time, so knowing all the resources and their locations in Enshrouded will be a significant advantage.

Contents of the guide: Below, you will find a list of all the resources in Enshrouded and how to get them.

Location of All Resources in Enshrouded

Enshrouded Wax

One of many resources you can find in the game.

In this guide, we have prepared for you an overview of all Enshrouded resources. These are mainly materials that you cannot create yourself but should collect during your adventures.

The list is most likely not complete and will be constantly updated as we find new resources. If you have found more resources yourself, please help us complete the list and write in the comments what kind of material you found and where you saw it.

Resource How to get
Twigs It can be found in any biome. Just approach a shrub or bush and harvest it
Aloe Nomad Highlands, Savannah. Collect from the aloe bushes
Ammonia Gland Defeat the large red mushrooms in shroud
Old books Ruins on shelves everywhere
Aureolin Flower Grows around the Springlands,

starting area

Azure Russulaс In caves
Amber Revelwood, on the Shrouded areas
Stinging Nettle Revelwood, in the forest
Critter Parts Drops from little bugs in the Shroud
Fell Thunderbrute Head Drops from Fell Thunderbrute
Fell Monstrosity Head Drops from Fell Monstrosity
Iron Ore Mine iron veins, for example, at Kindlewastes
Fur Patch Kill rabbits or rats
Flint In flint mines, approximately north of Braelyn Bridge
Flax Grows around Diadwyn
Fossilized Bone In the mines in Nomad Highlands
Spark Activate Flame Sanctum or Flame Shrine
Poison Sack Defeat the red poison-spitting flowers or the green mushrooms in the shroud
Fire Fly Anywhere in non-shrouded areas (glow at night)
Hardwood Cut down large, leaf-covered trees in Revelwood
Hazlenut Revelwood
Resin Falls from trees when you cut them down, especially those with orange foliage
Honey In beehives
Wood Logs Cut down trees
Indigo Revelwood
Limestone Anywhere in the Nomad Highlands
Chamomile Revelwood
Bone Defeat animals like wolves or wild boars
Copper Ore Copper deposits, for example in Sameth's Legacy
Lapislazuli Kindlewastes
Lump of Clay Revelwood
Luminous Growth Caves in the Revelwood
Purple Berries Anywhere in the starting area
Corncob Abandoned farms and homesteads in Springlands
Metal Scraps Defeat raiders and search chests in ruins
Shroud Wood Cut down trees in the shroud
Shroud Sack Kill Red Mushrooms  or Blue Flowers in Shroud
Shroud Core Loot from the bosses
Shroud Spores Loot from the bosses enemies in Shroud
Mint Mushroom Meat Cut down green mushrooms in Shroud
Mycelium Dig up luminescent ground in the Shroud
Bell Pepper Search for Abandoned farms at the Nomad Highlands
Dirt Dig up ground anywhere
Animal Fur Kill wild animals
Desert Flower Nomad Highlands
Forest Beet Forest floors and abandoned farms
Palm Wood Logs Cut down trees in Kindlewastes
Plant Fiber Harvest bushes everywhere
Scavenger Matron Head Defeat Scavenger Matron
Raw Lean Meat Kill rabbit or chicken
Raw Sand Digger Meat Kill Sand Diggers at Kindlewastes
Raw Game Kill large predators, such as boars or hyenas
Raw Wolf Meat Kill Wolves
Raw Bird Meat Kill Birds
Rooibos Nomad Highlands
Red Mushroom Anywhere in the Springlands
Runes Dismantle weapons or defeat enemies in Shroud
Saffron Kindlewastes
Sage Leaves Nomad Highlands
Salt From mines in Low Meadows or Springlands
Sand Dig up ground in Kindlewastes
Sandstone Mine with pickaxe in Kindlewastes
Scales Kill Sand Diggers in Kindlewastes.
Sulfur Mine with pickaxe in Nomad Highlands
Stone Can be found on the ground or digged up with a pickaxe almost everywhere
Torn Cloth Kill enemies in the Shroud
Straw Abandoned farms and homesteads
Tomato Abandoned farms on the starting area
Vukah Brawler Head Kill Vukah Brawler
Water From fountains, everywhere
Wax From Beehive
Wheat Grains Abandoned farms and homesteads
Yucca Fruit Felling palm trees in the Kindlewastes
Tin Ore Nomad Highlands
Sugar Cane Nomad Highlands

It is worth noting that the locations listed above are only examples where you can get one, and almost all resources can be found in several places in the world.

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Every tip mentioned in this guide has been practically tested by our team to ensure you receive reliable and accurate information.
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