In order to effectively tame dinosaurs and other creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved, you need, the so-called kibble. These ensure that the dinosaur or creature is tamed 5x faster, which is why you have to be careful which kibble you feed.
Since there are different types and almost every dino has also a special kibble, we explain in our taming guides how to make them and show you all the recipes. In this guide, we will show you, what you need to prepare Kibble and which dinosaur lays which egg.
To make kibble, you require an Industrial Cooker or Cooking Pot. In the mobile version of ARK, you can craft kibble at a Chef Station or TEK kibble processor.
You then put all the necessary ingredients in this and wait 30 seconds for the kibble to be made.
To craft a cooking pot, you need level 8 and 9 engram points, as well as the following resources:
You can bring the cooking pot to a boil by igniting Thatch, Wood, Sparkpowder, or Angler Gel.
To craft the industrial cooker, you must have reached level 89 and spent 60 engram points. You also need the following resources:
In the mobile version of ARK: Survival Evolved, you need a TEK Kibble Processor to make the kibble. You craft it with 66 Crafting XP in the Fabricator or TEK Replicator. You need the following resources:
The boss stations, also from the mobile version, are made from level 23. For this, you need:
In ARK: Survival Evolved there are six different kibbles, each made with different egg sizes and ingredients, pay attention to the dino or creature you want to tame or have already tamed which kibble is needed. We have prepared a list of ingredients and an overview of the kibbles for you (if an ingredient needs to be made, you will find the recipes for it at the end of the article):
Basic Kibble
| Simple Kibble
Regular Kibble
| Superior Kibble
Exceptional Kibble
| Extraordinary Kibble
Extra Small Egg:
| Small Egg:
Medium Egg: | Large Egg: |
Extra Large Egg:
| Special Egg:
To smoke meat or tenderloin, you must first create a Preserving Bin, Smokehouse, or Preserving Campfire. Once you have done this, you will need the following ingredients:
The production time is 36 minutes.
You make Focal Chili in a Cooking Pot or in an Industrial Cooker. To make it, you will need the following ingredients:
The crafting time is 1 minute.
You can also make Lazarus Chowder in a Cooking Pot or Industrial Cooker with the following ingredients:
The crafting time is 1 minute.
Some dinosaurs or creatures, in addition to one of the six main kibbles, like kibble made from eggs of other creatures or dinosaurs. Since these are very specific and not elemental like the main kibble, we have specified them in the respective taming guides. So you can see directly which special kibble you could also prepare.
Of course, the guide is also available in video form, hereby YouTuber pterafier:
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